Murder Stalks
wanted to go back to the last scene before then.”
    Tony studied Rex’s face. He looked tired. A
deep crease had formed between his partner’s brows, giving him a
sense of maturity that had been previously lacking. The case was
hard on them all. The wall was coming fast for Tony. How long would
Rex be able to handle working homicide before he hit that wall?
    “ Thanks, I need to go back
    “ Yeah, I know. I don’t
want to go alone either.”
    Tony turned back to the beach and drew in a
deep breath. “Do you think we’ll ever feel the same about this
    Rex sighed heavily, and cleared his throat.
“I don’t know. Maybe.”
    “ I’ll meet you at the
murder scene.” Tony continued up the berm to his car. His gaze
shifted over the crowd of tourists. With a predatory killer on the
loose, could he keep these people safe?
    Would the killer strike again or had
relieved his need? The public needed to know so they could stay
safe, but how could he balance the need to inform with the need to
keep everything quiet so they didn’t tip the guy off.

Chapter 7
    Ally Underwood lugged her full gym bag to
the top of the hill in the pre-dawn hours. The need to get her car
fixed weighed heavily on her mind, maybe next week.
    Her new client, Marissa Santos, already had
a great body, but she needed some help with upper arm strength and
cardio training. Working with Marissa would keep Ally close to
Tony. And being close to Tony was important for her plan. She
suppressed a shudder. There was time enough later for feelings. For
now, she’d focus on work, ignoring everything else.
    Their meeting was set for six forty-five.
Early, but the challenge of working with new clients, especially
this one, was worth the lack of sleep. Checking her watch, she
picked up the pace and jogged the last two blocks. Sweat poured
down her face, ruining any chance of looking presentable for her
new client.
    “ Ally, you look like
hell,” Steve quipped as she walked in the front door of the
    “ Whatever. Why do I have
to wear this awful pink shirt?” Steve’s recent promotion from
assistant manager to manager had brought few changes to the place.
Ally hated changes.
    “ People expect us to look
    “ What people?”
    “ The rich women who come
in here to get a good workout.” Steve laughed.
    She rolled her eyes. “I thought they
expected to lose weight.”
    “ That too. Go fix your
face before your new client gets here.”
    Ally came out of the locker room and saw
Marissa standing at the information kiosk. She froze, forcing a
smile to her lips. Marissa checked her watch and annoyance slid
through Ally. Already her new client was marking time.
    Her feet moved towards the desk before she
knew exactly what she would say to Mrs. Tony Santos. For a moment
an awkward silence hung between them, then she stretched out her
hand, reminding herself that she could play nice when the need
arose. “Hi, I’m Ally, your personal trainer. On the questionnaire
you filled out you mentioned you wanted to be able to protect
yourself. Weight training won’t help you unless you are also taking
a self-defense class.”
    “ I’ve already started
one,” Marissa said.
    “ Any reason?” Ally
    “ No reason, I just want to
be prepared.” Marissa moved her hands, twisting them together
before she let them drop to her sides.
    “ Okay, it says here that
you think your arms are the weakest point.”
    Marissa smiled and shrugged her shoulders.
“I don’t have much upper arm strength.”
    “ We’ll start on the
equipment on the far left, then work our way around the room. But
either here or at home, you have to do some cardio.”
    “ I have time, I can do
some here.”
    “ Great, let’s get
    Ally pushed Marissa hard. She didn’t dislike
Marissa, but she was Tony’s wife. Tony had no idea Ally was in
town, but eventually he would realize the impact he’d had on
    The early morning sunlight

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