Murder Stalks
must have suffered before she died. Why were there no forced entry
marks on any of the doors? No windows had been jimmied or knocked
out. It didn’t make sense. Had Kelsey let her murderer in, offered
him a drink, and maybe even allowed him to use the bathroom before
he attacked?
    Tony stalked down the beach, ignoring the
people having fun. He wanted to be alone, to sail off into the Gulf
and never come back, but that wouldn’t solve anything. He wouldn’t
abandon his town, his work, or his wife.
    Following the unmarked police car had been
easy. He watched as the detective kicked sand, ignoring his
surroundings. The jerk was probably pouting about the latest
problems on his beat. Sloppy, that’s what the great detective Tony
Santos was. He was getting careless and not watching his back.
    He liked being this close to Tony. It was a
trip to park five slots down and hide in plain sight. This part was
the best. A predatory instinct pulsed through his veins. His lips
turned up into a smile. Tony made life too enjoyable. Too bad the
great Detective Santos wouldn’t figure it out until it was too
    He watched as Tony wiped a tear from his
eye. That was great. Disappointment welled up inside of him. He’d
left the video camera behind. Should’ve thought about that earlier.
‘Playing at nine, the fall of the great Tony Santos.’ A laugh track
would be appropriate.
    The first two hits had been easy. The taste
of power still clung to his tongue, giving him chills when he
thought of last night. Her cries for freedom echoed throughout the
bedroom. Her pleas for a quick death after he raped her twice gave
him power. All of it had been wonderful. Living on the edge brought
waves of euphoria crashing over him.
    When he had made the first cut on Kelsey’s
beautiful bottom she had flinched. Then he told her. Told her why
she was being branded with the ‘S’. She cried then. That was when
she knew there would be no good end for her.
    Keeping her alive long enough for her to
watch him clean up had been empowering. She had jerked each time
the comb had run over her pubic hair. ‘Fuck her again,’ sailed
through his mind. But discipline was the key.
    He had to stick with the plan and the plan
didn’t allow for fucking Mrs. Ingles after he’d begun cleaning.
Next time, he would be ready. Ready to show his new target what
satisfaction was all about.
    Now, it was time to play with Detective Tony
Santos. The detective may be bright, but he was oblivious to the
game. He would raise the stakes soon. Then Tony would know he was a
    Tony jumped at the touch on his shoulder. He
spun around, fear slicing through his body.
    “ I figured you would be
out here.”
    “ Rex, man, don’t sneak up
on me like that.” Tony clenched his fists, trying to relieve the
tension that curled through him.
    “ A bit touchy today? No,
don’t answer that. We all are.”
    “ Is something up?” Tony’s
irritation rose. He wanted to be alone.
    Kelsey’s death was hard to deal with. Maybe
he should go see Marissa tonight, but work called, and he’d been
avoiding the grind of this investigation for too long. Now two
victims were dead, gone from Juniper forever. The citizens would
want answers, and they wanted results. He was the man to make
results happen and that meant working late. Tomorrow he would see
    Tony relaxed his fists and rolled his neck.
Tension still held him in its grip, bunching his muscles into
knots. Marissa had always been good at massaging the stress away.
He rolled his shoulders, pushing away thoughts of his beautiful
wife as he followed Rex to the parking lot.
    Rex stopped while they were still standing
in the sand. “I love this place. It’s the reason I moved here.”
    Tony swung around and gazed over the beach
again. “Yeah, I would hate to have it ruined by some crazy
    “ Me too. Hey, since we
have a meeting back at HQ in about an hour I was wondering if

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