Musings From A Demented Mind

Musings From A Demented Mind by Derek Ailes, James Coon

Book: Musings From A Demented Mind by Derek Ailes, James Coon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Derek Ailes, James Coon
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coming,” Brayden instructed.
    Over the bushes, they could see their prey.  Behind one of the trees, several Christian women wearing ripped clothing and shoes that had been worn through, stood looking around nervously.  They had been imprisoned for several months until it was their turn to be hunted during the games.
    He looked at them in shock?  Humans were the game?   Was he at the point when he degraded himself to the level of an animal hunting a helpless prey?  With his guilt heavy on his soul, why would he willingly agree to get involved in this madness?  Everybody, but him, ran down the hill ready to toy with the women until the men were ready to torture and kill them.
    Tyler turned around and looked at him.  “Aren’t you coming?”
    “If Donna could see me now?”
    “She’s dead.  Killed by the government because she was foolish enough to believe in God.  There is no God.”  He looked over at the women running for their lives.  “Man, they are such a beautiful prize!”
    As Tyler was running away to join the game, Malcolm shot him in the back of the head with his rifle.  Tyler fell down.  Malcolm walked over to Tyler and watched him bleed out.
    “I’m sorry, my friend; I can’t be a part of this,” he said as his friend died.
    Malcolm stood up and stared at the other men hunting the women.  With a determined look on his face, he ventured onto the field to hunt the ones who were on the hunt.  The women would be no prize for these men.  No longer would he stand idly by and watch a Christian being slaughtered.

               Where Evil Shall Dwell
                          April 13, 1964
    “Sub-Mariner to base!  Sub-Mariner to base.  Proceeding along as planned.  About one hundred miles west to southwest of Bermuda.  Should we stay on course?”
    “Roger, Sub-Mariner.  Just proceed as planned.  No deviations.  Over and out,” the radio operator instructed.
    “Captain, can I ask a few questions about this experiment?”  Ira Labanowski asked, listening intently to the conversation.
    “Ira, you may.”
    “How does this involve me and what is this experiment going to prove?”
    “Ira, there is an area from Jacksonville, Florida to Puerto Rico, from Puerto Rico to Bermuda and from Bermuda to Jacksonville that is called the Bermuda Triangle also known as the triangle of death.”
    “Bermuda triangle?”  Ira asked.
    “There have been between one hundred and two hundred ships and planes since 1945 that have vanished or been destroyed by someone or something between these coordinates outlined on my map.  We don’t have the slightest clue to their whereabouts and, worst of all, the United States government is pressuring us to find the truth behind this mystery.  Several of our allies want answers since they also have lost ships.  We’ve heard about your experience with the James Charlot case and how you used your sixth sense to crack it.”
    “I’m not sure if my psychic abilities can be much use in this matter.”  Ira sat there and thought about the events that led to him being hired by the United States government and being transported via helicopter to the small radio shack in Fort Jackson.  His colleague, a senator, offered him a hefty paycheck to advise the captain about the experiment, but didn’t give him any specifics.  He remembered hearing a radio newscast about a British ship on training maneuvers disappearing and Britain claiming it was destroyed by a US Naval vessel days before.  “Have you tried this experiment before?”
    “Yes, three times without success.  This time, with your help, we hope it will be successful.”
    Ira felt like he was having a migraine attack.  He closed his eyes to shield them from the bright light and saw the Sub-Mariner in a dense fog.  He couldn’t see anything through the fog and then the plane vanished.  He opened his eyes and looked at the captain.  “The plane is in trouble. 

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