My Blood Approves 4 - Wisdom

My Blood Approves 4 - Wisdom by Amanda Hocking

Book: My Blood Approves 4 - Wisdom by Amanda Hocking Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Hocking
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    “How did you even know she was there?” I jumped down and hurried after her.
    “Someone died a block away from my club,” Olivia looked at me seriously. “It’s my job to know when anybody dies, and take care of it.”
    “Did you take care of Jane?” I asked.
    “The police were already there when I found out about it. There was nothing for me to see, nothing for me to do.” She opened the door to the stairwell and started down them. “From what I’ve heard, she didn’t have any bite marks on her. So I don’t think it was a vampire.”
    “But you don’t know?” I jogged down the steps after her.
    “I can’t say anything with certainty, except that the poor girl is dead,” Olivia said bluntly and pushed open the door to her apartment.
    The penthouse was a massive, luxurious loft. The building had a weird angle to it, more of a triangle than a square, and all the outer walls were floor-to-ceiling windows. Marble floors ran throughout. The steps opened in the center of her suite, going into her living room.
    Plush, overstuffed furniture filled the living room. It all looked pretty too, but Olivia’s main purpose in life was to lounge and be comfortable. She had a small kitchen off to the side, to feed the many humans she kept since she refused to drink bag blood. “If it’s not fresh, it’s not food” was her motto.
    In the center, to the back of the stairwell, was a squared off area. It contained the elevator that could only go down to the basement. The only way into her place was through the vampire club.
    The rest of the walled off area were three lush bedrooms, all of them without any windows. One was her bedroom, and the other two were for the occasional company she had stay with her.
    “You really don’t know anything?” I asked as Olivia went over and stretched out on one of her extravagant sofas. The only thing she ever wore was tight fitting leather, and when she stretched, it pulled back, revealing her flawless pale skin.
    “I know lots of things, but nothing useful about your friend.” She yawned and rolled over onto her stomach, so her back was to me, and I sat back in one of the chairs.
    “But you hear everything in the club!”
    “Nobody cares about one dead human.” Olivia had turned her head from mine, so she spoke into a pillow. “No offense, honey. They’re not saying anything about it.”
    “But it’s more than one dead human. They think it’s a serial killer,” I said.
    “A human serial killer.”
    “I don’t know why that matters. Murder is murder.”
    I leaned back deeper in the chair. I hated hearing about how little vampires cared for life. Just because they lived forever didn’t mean that everything else was incidental.
    “I’m going to find out whoever did this to Jane, and I don’t care if he killed other people or he’s a vampire or the prince of Egypt. I’m gonna kill that bastard.” It wasn’t until I said it aloud that I realized that I meant it.
    “That’s why you’re trying to pump me for information?” Olivia looked at me over her shoulder. “You think you’re going to get revenge?” She raised a sardonic eyebrow and laughed.
    “What? Why is that funny? I kicked your ass today,” I said defensively.
    “I’m old!” Olivia laughed again. “And I am out of practice. If you’re serious about this, you’re going to need someone new to train you. I’m not making the cut.”
    “Of course I’m serious about it.” I stood up. “Someone killed my best friend!”
    “Easy, sweetheart,” Olivia said, not unkindly. “I know. You’re a passionate girl. That’s what I like about you.”
    “So what does that mean?”
    “It means that you need to grieve properly, and then we’ll talk.” She rolled back over on her stomach, letting her hair fall around like a shawl, and that was the end of topic for her. Olivia liked me, but she had little tolerance for any conversation that didn’t interest her.
    “Whatever,” I sighed.

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