My First - Jason & Katie

My First - Jason & Katie by Melanie Shawn

Book: My First - Jason & Katie by Melanie Shawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Shawn
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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many times Katie could remember during her adolescence when she would spend hours on end looking through Grandpa J and Grandma Marie’s wedding album. She would imagine that it was her in the simple white satin and lace gown, smiling beatifically up at Nick in his dapper dress uniform. Well...she thought it was Nick. She realized now that the groom's face had always been a blur in those fantasies. But...of course it was Nick. Wasn't it?
    As Grandpa J held her now, Katie was overwhelmed with the realization of just how much she had missed him.
    As if reading her mind, he spoke softly to into her ear, saying “I missed you, Katie. I missed my girl.”
    “I missed you too Grandpa J,” Katie said, holding on to him as if for dear life.
    Their reunion was broken up by the brisk and businesslike voice of Aunt Wendy as she began the meeting. Katie could tell that she was relishing the role of Woman In Charge.
    “Okay now that I have everyone here,” Aunt Wendy said as she began handing out brochure-style schedules, “we can get right down to business. Here are your itinerary packets for the weekend. They are color coded, so make sure you take note of your assigned color on the front of the packet. The activities you are expected to be at are noted in the same color.”
    “Wow, you really out did yourself young lady,” Grandpa J said. Katie smiled warmly. His tone was lightly teasing, but Katie could hear real admiration there, as well.
    The rest of the crowd got lost in reading the packets and softly conversing with each other about them, so Katie gratefully took the opportunity to melt into the background and study the itinerary unobserved. She felt like it was, possibly, the first completely unobserved moment she had experienced since pulling up in front of her childhood home!
    She immediately noted, to her relief, that she really wouldn’t have a minute to herself all weekend. Which...THANK GOD. That was really for the best. She didn’t need a whole lot of time to sit and marinate in her thoughts, emotions, and memories. That was a recipe (to continue to torture the gastronomic metaphor, she thought wryly to herself) for disaster.
    Aunt Wendy continued, “So first up, we have the bride and bridesmaids' final fittings. Men, you have an hour before you are expected over at Richards Formal Wear. Don’t be late! Colonel, you are in charge of getting the young men there at 11 A.M. sharp.”
    “Yes ma’am, they will be there. Don’t worry your pretty little head,” Grandpa J said with a wink.
    Aunt Wendy actually blushed. Grandpa J had an amazing ability to compliment a lady and make her feel like the most special woman in the world, and he did it even with the simplest of words. It was an aura about him, an energy that he would send across the room. Katie smiled to herself and thought, he's got “game,” as the kids would say.
    “Okay, everyone, you have your schedules. Now, everyone behave, and let's make this the best wedding anyone has ever seen!” Aunt Wendy said, her voice carrying equal parts enthusiasm and warning.
    She turned to the group of women standing behind her, of which Katie was a part, and said, “Ladies, let’s get a move on.”
    As everyone in the room began to move toward the door, Katie felt an arm around her waist and heard Jason’s voice in her ear. She stiffened. She had begun to like feeling like one of the anonymous crowd, it was relaxing. Now the sound of Jason's voice reminded her that she was the target of his laser focus. Still, she couldn't help but thrill at the feel of his hot breath on the back of her neck, and his strong hand on her back, firmly guiding her forward.
    “You okay Kit Kat? You look a little flushed.”
    “I’m fine,” Katie said, her voice betraying her by allowing just a bit of tremulousness to dance around the edges. COME ON! She just wanted to make it out the door without looking at him.
    Her strategy for the weekend would be avoidance. Avoidance was a

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