My Lady Scandal

My Lady Scandal by Kate Harper

Book: My Lady Scandal by Kate Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Harper
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
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friend in London. I fully intend to take her under my wing and show her around.’
    Hugo did not seem to find this worthy ambition in the least bit laudable. ‘All well and good, but what if the Marriotts are not who they say they are?’
    ‘Whatever do you mean? They are the Marriotts . Grif called on them at their home.’
    ‘And that is another thing,’ the Captain continued, ignoring her interjection, ‘what on earth is your cousin up to, introducing the two of them into Society? It would be just like him to be up to some mischief or other. Frankly, the very fact that Carlisle is behind this makes me all the more wary of embracing them.’
    ‘Well, I think you are just being mean!’ Viola said with a pout. ‘They seem perfectly delightful; everybody is saying so. And Lord Marriott is the most marvelous dancer!’
    Of course, she was pouring fuel on the fire; but the fire was so unexpected that she really could not resist. Who would have thought that Hugo would have been jealous of the new arrival? Viola was not one to let an opportunity slip through her fingers. She was rewarded by the scowl forming on Captain Frame’s face.
    ‘There is more to a man than the ability to dance, Viola!’
    ‘Oh, I am aware of that,’ she returned blithely. ‘The ability to dress well and look good upon a horse is also essential.’
    He stared down at her, clearly unhappy with the way the conversation was going and unsure how to set it on the course he desired. ‘Just beware of befriending people you do not know. You are very trusting, Viola.’
    And you are very frustrating , she thought with an inward sigh. She had no real idea why her attention had fixed upon Captain Frame as the object of her desire, not when there were so many other men who were more than willing to court her. And why not? With an excellent dowry and a distinguished family, she could expect a very respectable number of suitors culminating in an eligible alliance.
    Hugo Frame was older than she had thought to look for in a husband, one and thirty years of age. He had a respectable income, as well as a country house in Essex, but it was in no way remarkable. He was a great deal more serious than she liked as well, inclined to pay attention to matters that were too dreary for words. Why, he actually took an interest in politics !
    Truthfully (as her hideous cousin liked to point out to her), Captain Hugo Frame measured up badly in the potential husband stakes and yet – truthfully – she could not help but want him. It was as if her heart had a will of its own and it pointed in the direction of the man standing beside her.
    The very annoying man standing beside her. She looked up at him, her sultry little mouth drooping at the corners, wondering if she was ever going to get him to come up to scratch.
    ‘Hugo,’ she said, hands settling on hips.
    ‘Did you really bring me over here just to warm me off Lord Marriott?’
    For a moment, Hugo looked confused, as if he did not quite understand the question. ‘Well… you have a very trusting nature, Viola. A less than honorable man might take advantage of that.’
    ‘Well that would be a change.’
    ‘Pardon? I am not sure -’
    ‘It would be a change to be taken advantage of,’ Miss. Durham snapped, ‘because frankly, I am having absolutely no luck with you. Do you never even think of kissing me?’
    Hugo stared down at her for a long moment and then suddenly the expression in his grey eyes changed, darkening with desire as he thought about that very thing; kissing her. Viola could see it in his face; the way his mouth moved, his body shifting towards her own, just a little. Hugo Frame was – right at this moment – thinking about kissing her and her heart began to beat harder, faster, aching to have him bend his head and touch his lips to her own…
    ‘Miss. Durham, I do believe that this is a very dark corner for you to be occupying.’ The braying tones of Lady Pelham shattered the

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