My Paper Heart

My Paper Heart by Magan Vernon Page B

Book: My Paper Heart by Magan Vernon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Magan Vernon
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your first impression of me, and I really like the fact that you aren't afraid to tell me what you think and seem to enjoy defying everything anyone else says. It's why I know, even if I tried, you probably would rather punch me than screw me."
    I giggled. "It's true."
    "Now let me order you your damn root beer float so I can make more of a fool of myself."
    We ordered our food and instead of sitting in the truck, Blaine suggested we go to a small little grassy area a little ways away.
    "You aren't taking me out to the swamp to have your way with me are you?"
    Blaine cocked an eyebrow, glancing back at me, as we made our way through a few trees. "It's just a little grassy knoll. It's more comfortable to sit on than in my truck all night."
    "Grassy knoll?  Are we going to be shooting the president too?" I laughed, thinking that my own cleverness was rather funny.
    "No Libby, we won't be shooting the president." He rolled his eyes and went back walking up what looked like just a small grass mound. "We don't really have much for hills in Louisiana, so this is what we get, knolls."
    "Fine, but you will not brainwash me into shooting any presidents." I plopped down on the ground with a brown bag in one hand and my root beer float in the other.
    "You are something else you know that, Libby?" He sat down beside me, resting his elbows on his knees.
    "I think the term you are looking for is natural blonde." I took a sip of my root beer float and then rustled my hand through his bleach blonde hair.
    It wasn’t the mess of straw that it looked like and felt like a new coat sliding through my fingers. I could have kept my hand there all day, but I quickly moved them back to my lap.
    "Hey my mom's a hairdresser, so she does this for me. You can blame her." He actually cracked a smile.
    "Well my mom's a lawyer so you can blame her for my wit and political references." I took another long slurp.
    "That explains it." Blaine unwrapped his burger and took a big bite.
    "Explains what?" I stopped slurping to meet his eyes.
    "I actually got nothing. I think I just like to get a rise out of you." He laughed and I shoved him a little.
     The shove honestly didn't do much. Trying to move him was like trying to push a house. Part of me just wanted to actually see his biceps and feel his muscles, but I think that would have been really creepy. For a second I actually wondered what it would be like to see him completely naked, but quickly shook that off. There would be no sexing for Blaine and Libby, not that night anyways.
    "So what is with you and trying to get me all crazy anyways?" I quickly changed the subject and popped a curly fry in my mouth.
    "What do you mean?" Blaine managed to get out between mouthfuls.
    "I mean, you have this genuine concern for my well-being and you don't like it at all when I do anything, like, sexy and I don't understand why. I mean you don't know me, but you act like you need to protect me."
    Blaine put his burger down on the bag and looked down, a somber expression on his face. "You don't know too much about your Aunt Dee's family do you?"
    "No, not really. Last time Aunt Dee came up I was like in elementary school, and that was when my grandma died. So we really didn't talk about her otherwise." I actually felt kind of bad, my dad's entire heritage was in Louisiana and our family seemed to avoid it like the plague.
    "Like I've always told you, your aunt is a great lady and I’m sure you know that now." I nodded as our eyes met. "I don't know what she told you about Brittany's mom."
    "Not much…"  I shrugged. "I know she didn't seem like a very good person and only met up with Britt to get money."
    "That’s not even the half of it." Blaine took a long drink out of the unmarked Styrofoam cup. "My sisters were just a few years younger than Joni and I was of course a lot younger, but I can still remember what she used to be like. I remember my sisters just admiring her. They would come home from school and talk

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