My Paper Heart

My Paper Heart by Magan Vernon

Book: My Paper Heart by Magan Vernon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Magan Vernon
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the faded green ringer tee.
    "Yeah, it was given to me by an alum. I think the old and wornness of it definitely says: Blaine I am not doing you ." I nodded.
    "So why are you even going on a date with him if you don't have any interest in him?  I mean, if you really didn't want to go out with him you could have thrown him my way." Britt pointed two chubby thumbs at herself.
    "Ugh, I wish I would have." I slid the ringer tee over my head. "But you damn southerners and your charm, it gets me every time!"
    Britt laughed. I knew she wasn't thrilled about this situation at all, with her crush on Blaine and all, but she actually seemed to enjoy my new found hatred for him.
    On my first date with Beau he was almost an hour late, my stomach was grumbling so badly, I was afraid that he would notice. I thought that my stomach would vibrate on the leather seats of his beamer and then he would never want to talk to me again. Imagine, I thought I was the one making a bad impression and he was the one who was late.
    Blaine wasn't late, in fact, he actually was early. At 5:45 the doorbell rang and Britt sprang up from my bed faster than I had ever seen that girl move. I groaned as I finished putting a rubber band in my braided pigtails. I figured low braided pigtails said school marm more than school girl.
    "Libby, Blaine's here!" Britt bellowed from the living room.
    "Oh, Blaine how are you?" Aunt Dee practically floated over to the door. It looked like I was the only one moving slowly.
    My flip flops plopped, making that annoying 'flop flop' noise, as I slowly crept out of the bedroom and into the living room. It looked like someone was actually looking forward to this date, or was just hoping to get some.
    "Hey Libby." Blaine flashed a toothy grin.
     It looked like he had spent all day getting ready and not just throwing on the worst clothes he could find around the room. The first thing I noticed, which I think most girls do, was his shoes. I'd only ever seen him in very dirty work boots, but it looked like he brought out the only pair of dress shoes he had. He topped that off with khakis and an actual black button-down shirt, with the sleeves rolled up since of course since Louisiana was about a million degrees at any given time of day. You could actually see the sweat start to glisten on his arms, or maybe that was just from nervousness.
     One of us was not dressed appropriately.
    "Hey Blaine." I muttered, slowly making my way over to the door.
    "My, Mr. Crabtree, you look so handsome! My niece is so lucky to have a guy like you taking her out!" Aunt Dee was practically drooling as she patted his shoulder, not in the drooling way like Britt, but in the 'I'm so proud this young man is taking my niece out' way. Little did she know this was the same guy that screwed half the town.
    "Yeah Blaine." I looked up and met his eyes. "You clean up well." I really should stop meeting his eyes, they were bluer than the Mediterranean Sea and I couldn't stop from getting lost in them. It almost made me forget that I hated him.
    "Uh, yeah." I think Blaine actually got a little red as he looked down and absently ran a hand through his hair. "You look good too Libby. But I think you can wear anything and still look amazing."
    Our eyes met again, we were behaving like twelve year olds.
    Britt rolled her eyes. "Are y'all just going to stand in the doorway all night or what?"
    "Uh, no." I glanced over at Brittany. "Mr. Blaine here owes me dinner."
    "You are letting him take you out in that?" Aunt Dee looked me up and down with furrowed brows.
    "It's comfortable. And I'm so hot and worn out from work that I didn't have the energy to change." I smiled at Aunt Dee.
    "Oh, yeah, it takes a lot of energy to sit on your butt at the shop," Britt mocked. I shot her an evil glare.
    "And on that note." Blaine looked back at me. "You ready?"
    "Ready." I smirked at Brittany. "Bye Britt."
    Then I kissed Aunt

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