My Sister Is a Werewolf

My Sister Is a Werewolf by Kathy Love

Book: My Sister Is a Werewolf by Kathy Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathy Love
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
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West Virginia like some kind of wolfbane to her kind? Making them act like lunatics at all times, instead of just on the full moon?
    She hadn’t had a “normal” day since shortly after she arrived here. At first she’d been fine, but about two weeks after she was settled, she began to feel strange. In fact, the most normal she’d acted was on the full moons.
    Sure, she sprouted hair and morphed into the world’s most deranged-looking Canis lupus —but she knew to expect that.
    She hadn’t expected last night. If she had, she would have locked herself up here. She hadn’t expected the nagging restlessness and agitation to turn into... She didn’t even know what it had turned into.
    Yes, she did. Lust—pure, unbridled lust.
    And she simply didn’t feel like that. Not for a total stranger, whom she’d barely spoken to. Jensen.
    She liked that name.
    Good Lord! What was she doing? Now she was ruminating fondly over the man’s name. A man who she was darned lucky she even knew his name, given the mission she’d been on. And he didn’t know hers. Although that could be a good thing.
    She’d actually asked him to fu...
    She groaned again. She’d asked him to have sex with her. Not quite so tastefully, however. What was happening to her? The restlessness, the anxiety.
    She didn’t even remember how she got home. The last thing she recalled was t hank ing him, then stepping out into the night. Again she groaned. She’d actually t hank ed the man, like she’d done nothing more than gotten a ride from him. Which she had.
    “Oh God,” she moaned, dropping her head back into her hand.
    This had to be related to the serum. It was the only thing that made sense. She needed to talk to Dr. Fowler. Now.
    She scrambled out of bed and hurried to the cordless phone perched in its cradle on the dresser. From memory, she punched in the doctor’s number. It rang several times, then went into voice mail.
    She hesitated, but then simply said it was Elizabeth and she needed to talk to him as soon as possible.
    She hit the disconnect button, but stood there with the phone in hand, debating what to do. What had happened last night was too strange. Her crazy behavior, paired with this endless anxiety, and now she couldn’t even recall getting home. This was all so bad.
    Except she didn’t feel the restlessness, the agitation right now. With the... sex, that feeling had actually disappeared. In fact, it had disappeared as soon as she’d orgasmed. She could remember that.
    But it wasn’t the stunning, soul-stealing orgasm that replayed in her mind, or even the reprieve from the wearing agitation that had been plaguing her. It was the moments cuddled against Jens—the mortal’s chest. Listening to the rhythm of his heart. That was what she could see in her mind, still feel in her body.
    Don ’t go there , she told herself. Don ’t be sentimental about something that was so not about sentiment. Especially if her behavior was somehow created by the serum. Then none of her feelings were real.
    The lust definitely had been real. Very real. That was pretty darned evident from her behavior, but it was probably manufactured lust, and it didn’t deserve sentimentality. It deserved getting back to her lab and trying to figure out what was going on.
    She set down the phone and opened her dresser, rummaging for clothes. What had happened to her physiologically? She’d acted like she was in heat. But that wasn’t possible. With female werewolves, the need to breed...
    Elizabeth smirked at her own wording. Catchy. But the need to breed was triggered by the male werewolf. His pheromones spurred on the female’s, causing her own hormones to ready for mating. Human males couldn’t do that.
    She could be attracted—well, obviously she could. And she could have sex with one, again an obvious statement. But she couldn’t go into heat over a human, and a mated werewolf always bred with its mate. Those were the rules.
    Unless the last

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