My Sister's Boyfriend (The Trouble With Twins 1)

My Sister's Boyfriend (The Trouble With Twins 1) by Sylvia McDaniel

Book: My Sister's Boyfriend (The Trouble With Twins 1) by Sylvia McDaniel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sylvia McDaniel
Tags: contemporary romance novel
exactly turn out as planned. I tried to find you after I finished up in the emergency room, but the nurses told me you'd left."
    "Yes, I called my sister and she picked me up since I didn't know how long you'd be," Jennifer said, her blue eyes shifting uncomfortably.
    "I still owe you a dinner," he remarked. He'd enjoyed being with her that night, so much in fact that part of him knew that if he asked her out again, he'd be tempted to take her home to his king-size bed. And he didn't like to date women that appealed to him both mentally and physically. No, his dates were more on the physical side. That's why his sister teased him about dating only 36 Ds.
    So why did he want to break his own rules with Jennifer?
    "Maybe some night when we're both a little less busy," she said. "Right now, I'm swamped crunching numbers for the executive board and researching possible grants."
    Part of him felt relieved that she didn't want to rush out to dinner with him, yet a more dangerous part of him wanted to reach across that desk and pull her to him and kiss her until her hair was mussed and her eyes were shadowed with passion.
    He'd like to clear her desk with a sweep of his arm and lay her across the wooden desktop, pull her skirt up and lose himself in her moist heat.
    This woman was far too alluring for him to explore anything more than mental pleasures with. For he knew he would enjoy sexual pleasure with her, and feared the combination of the two could lead to serious involvement. A state he avoided at all costs.
    "Sounds like you're trying to lose me," he said.
    She smiled. "Hardly. Now is just not a good time."
    He let his gaze travel over her smart business suit and her blonde hair worn up in a twist with curls around her face. She seemed so pristine, so proper, but her blue eyes radiated with a sensual heat that left his breath short. No, she wasn't brushing him off. She definitely felt this passion simmering between the two of them.
    "Let's make a promise to each other," he said. "Once we have fifty percent of the money raised, we'll return to Randi's Steakhouse and celebrate."
    "It's a date, Dr. Moulton."
    On Tuesday, Jennifer glanced up as Brent walked through the door. Her pulse accelerated as he smiled at her and she had to remind herself he was fifteen minutes late. She sat at the head of the table in the main conference room, chairing the first fund-raising committee meeting.
    "You've been asked to participate on this committee because of your past experience in helping the hospital raise money. Except for Dr. Moulton, who, as head of the pediatrics department, will be very involved in all aspects of this project."
    He smiled at her and nodded as he took a seat at the conference table. He looked particularly handsome today, dressed in a cream shirt with a Winnie the Pooh tie. Silly, but she knew his patients would adore the tie and remember him for his absurdity.
    Brent was full of contrasts, and that intrigued her.
    She tried to keep her mind on the subject at hand, but somehow she kept noticing little things about Brent. How large his hands were, the way she perceived his distinct scent though two people sat between them. The way his broad shoulders filled out the dress shirt and the rippling of his muscles through the cotton.
    "We expect the overall cost of the project to be around ninety million dollars." A collective gasp filled the room. "The executive board has agreed on several fund-raisers that we're going to hold, and we've been given a goal of obtaining eight million dollars."
    "Eight million dollars! No way," Brent said unexpectedly, surprising her. His green eyes flashed with disbelief. “That’s too much.”
    "That's almost ten percent," someone to her left said, stunned.
    Jennifer raised her hand to halt the conversation.
    "Keep in mind that a lot of that money will come from drug companies, corporations, and some of our more influential citizens. Chairman Weaver has already raised more than three

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