My Vampire Cover Model

My Vampire Cover Model by Karyn Gerrard Page B

Book: My Vampire Cover Model by Karyn Gerrard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karyn Gerrard
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    Dean turned to look at him. “Yes.”
    Deanna blinked. Many times she’d wondered how she would react in a strange or scary situation. She’d thought her reaction would be like those squealing women in horror movies. But she’d accepted Burn and from the very beginning hadn’t been frightened of him. Sure, her body trembled, but that was from desire. While there was a thread of sexy danger lurking underneath, Burn seemed gentle, protective, and honest. Maybe she longed for adventure in her staid, comfortable life. A fling with an otherworldly being would certainly constitute an exciting exploration. And this was a fling. It had to be. No one fell in love or made a connection this intense or this fast, no matter what he said.
    Whatever the reasons, she wanted this. Sex had not been part of her life in quite some time. If what had happened in the woods was just a taste, she wanted the whole meal. Deanna took a deep breath, climbed out of the car, and followed Burn to his room.
    Once inside, Burn slammed the door and pushed her against it, and with his hands flat on the door on either side of her head, leaned in to kiss her. His sexy lips moved over hers with a stealthy, provocative skill. His deep growl of desire made her wet immediately. Burn moved to her chin, then down her throat. Sharp fangs lightly brushed past the patch of skin over her carotid artery and she almost came right there. Sex with a vampire just may have its merits .
    “I won’t bite you unless you desire it,” he crooned. “But to have cock and fangs plunged into you at the same time is beyond all sexual experience. Think on that.”
    His sultry, seductive words sent her heart tumbling. His sinful smile showed a sensual knowledge she couldn’t even begin to fathom. Deanna was so close to screaming at the top of her lungs, “ Go ahead ! Bite me ! Fuck me !” So much for control.
    Actually, she wasn’t keen on being bitten.
    Deanna stroked his cheek. “I still can’t believe you’re two hundred and fifty-two years old.”
    His hand covered hers. “I know I look young, and I know I’m good-looking enough.” He smiled. “But look closely at my face, love. All traces of youth and innocence have long since fled. Behold the cynical twist to my mouth and the hard lines of life and experience deeply etched around it. I have lived many lives, and it shows, if one looks hard enough. My eyes will tell you the same story. They reflect not youth, but age.”
    “God, the way you talk. I love it.”
    While his past was a fascinating subject, Deanna had more desirous thoughts on her mind.
    She fumbled with his cotton shirt, then, losing all patience, ripped it up the middle. Buttons bounced off the nearby wall. Burn pulled back in momentarily surprise, but his pewter eyes narrowed in raw lust and admiration for her boldness.
    “Such passion, darlin’. I sensed it in you from the first. Don’t hold back. Promise me. I can fulfill any desire; I pledge this to you. Speak what you wish and I will see it done."
    Oh, sweet Jesus . Perspiration beaded at her hairline. Her breath grew ragged. She grabbed the torn pieces of his shredded shirt and bunched them in her fists. Bringing Burn close, she placed her mouth barely an inch from his.
    “I need you inside me. Now. No foreplay. Just thick, hard, hot cock.” Did I just say that ?
    Burn growled then spun her around to face the bed. “Lower your jeans, love.”
    With trembling hands she did and quickly stepped out of them and kicked them aside. Thank God she wore sexy panties. Burn’s hand gently gripped the back of her neck and he bent her over the bed until her cheek lay against the bedspread. Her ass was high in the air in invitation.
    “I do hope these are not a favorite pair,” he whispered seductively in her ear.
    He pulled back, grabbed a fistful of fabric, and tore the slim piece of silk from her body.
    Holy hell, I just got wetter .
    “Do you wish me to wear a condom?”

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