different way of saying that anything is happening from metropolitan newspapers. The small local newspaper has the feeling that they are telling not what is happening as something that is happening but they are telling what happened to some one whom every one mayor may not know but might know and certainly anyone does know the exact spot the very place where the thing that happened has happened, that makes small town newspapers have a slightly different feeling about what is happening than the big newspaper and therefore they might if they were not a newspaper they might bring anyone that isevery one to have the feeling that writing which is not what is happening gives anyone.
Why is it that even the small newspaper which has to help them the local feeling of the place the actual place that anything that has happened why have they no intensity in their writing such as anyone describing anything made up inside them can give to that writing.
Why is it.
Oh why is it.
Think of Defoe, he tried to write Robinson Crusoe as if it were exactly what did happen and yet after all he is Robinson Crusoe and Robinson Crusoe is Defoe and therefore after all it is not what is happening it is what is happening to him to Robinson Crusoe that makes what is exciting every one. You cannot go over it too often and so you can come you will come to know everything about anything being written.
I have come as far as this and it is really quite far to have come yes it is it really is quite far to have come and still all history and autobiography and biography have yet to come that is it is here but we have yet to come to know how and where it does come from.
Next time I am going to write more history for you, autobiography I have already done, biography I have already done I will tell you about that one, and so slowly yes slowly I will come to some knowing what it is that makes anything what it is what it was and what it has become.
But really and truly all about history and biography and autobiography will be both finished and begun oh yes it will yes it will it really will be both finished and begun in the next one.
AFTER all anybody is as their land and air is. Anybody is as the sky is low or high, the air heavy or clear, anybody is as there is wind or no wind there. I t is that which makes them and the arts they make and the work they do and the way they eat and the way they drink and the way they learn and everything.
The thing that bothers me that always bothers me is why and how a writing that sounds just like a writing that is creating, is not creating, it is a bothersome thing that. I have just been reading two books that have concentration imagination and they tell what they have to tell and they are interesting and all the time you know they know that they will not be books that anybody could possibly think of reading five years hence and why. It is easy to ask and to answer somehow but to really know why, you know they know I know that this is true but to really know the real reason why to really know what is the difference between any book having interest reality imagination and concentration and will not last and one that will last is a most difficult thing to do. Of course it is easy enough to know it after it has lasted, anybody of course could do that but to know now why to really know why now, well it is not easy it really is not easy at all to know to really know anything about this thing. I always have thought I always have wondered I do still think and wonder about this thing. Is it that it has to be told somehow enough the thing to be told or is it the thing to be told itself. I am wondering.
One of you brought me poetry to read the other day and I said remember that if you have to use strained words to say what you have to say by strain existing in the words that you are using, what feels to you a rare emotionbecomes common-place not ordinary that is alright but just