antimatter. Under normal physical conditions, the two would have completely annihilated each other, leaving the universe without either one. For some reason, instead the universe was left with matter and no antimatter. What if the subspace fabric was in fact produced from the special conditions during that tiny fraction of a second when the universe first came into existence, and the matter and antimatter had in fact "spun" to opposite sides of the interface? Then the areas where the interface was "thickest" were the areas where the matter would accumulate more, and the areas where it was thinnest would attract the matter less so. And the antimatter on the other side would also behave similarly, not that the two would remain exactly symmetrical to each other due to the quantum nature of the universe. Not a parallel anti-universe, but nevertheless a complexity of a huge magnitude.
All of this could have resulted in the network of mass concentrations that would become the supermassive black holes that eventually became the centers of the galaxies, and all arranged in a network of filaments, hubs and voids that with the billions of years of expansion now defined the universe. Scientists had been able to determine that the supermassive black holes, and hence their galaxies, aligned themselves within their filaments, even though they were separated by huge distances. So they had to already be aligned when they came into existence. It was all so huge that to picture it boggled the mind, and even on the smaller scale of the galaxies, the structure could be seen and mapped out. Beautiful structures in many cases. Miranda's theory fit this network very well, since the structure in place in the fabric of subspace at the point of expansion would have led to the structure currently seen. To her it was the fingerprint of God.
Miranda had an idea how her theory could be tested, but to do it would take a major lab such as the one at Space Tech Research or maybe the smaller version of their lab at the Space Academy. She believed that it could be done with existing components and detection equipment. However, it would take a heck of a control system to manage it safely, something she had no idea how she would go about writing. A computer guru she wasn't. Maybe she could get someone to work with her on it. She bet Zeke could have done it. It was really too bad that she didn't expect to see him again.
Miranda enjoyed her research time, but she continued to be held back by her headaches. One was so bad that Doctor Ted had taken her VR access away. Somehow he was able to determine her level of exertion from looking at the monitoring equipment. Only after she was completely stable had he given her access back, and he made her promise that she wouldn't let them get so bad again. After that, any time she felt she was close to starting a headache, she would stop what she was doing and concentrate on slowing her brain down. And listen to Julie's music, the music she had fallen in love with, that really seemed to help her. She knew the doctor could see what was happening from his monitoring devices, but she also knew he saw how hard she was trying. Gradually the episodes got further and further apart.
At the end of the week, the therapist conducted Miranda's therapy follow-up review. He had her meet him in his small office, sitting down to talk with her, and pulling her chart up on his VR. Smiling, he told her, "Miss Summerlin, you have done very well, and I believe you are ready for your 'graduation' from therapy. I have been truly impressed with your level of progress." He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, then went on, "I believe that you have made the most progress of anyone I have ever seen in such a short amount of time."
He looked over her chart one more time. Finally he stood, "You may still have a bit of a limp, but I am proclaiming you crutch free, although I do want you to take it easy for the next couple of weeks, and you need
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