her, I bet she will get us in touch with the doctor."
"Ok brother. You just relax. I will take care of this. I believe you will owe me one, though."
"Not after the Caitlyn thing. That one was points off if I say so myself."
"Ok, we are even on this one. Of course, I'm so far ahead, it doesn't matter."
Zeke had to agree, so he wisely kept his mouth shut. Besides, he was getting what he wanted. He had been trying to figure out a way to be able to see Miranda again. And as usual, his sister was way ahead of him.
Caitlyn now knew for sure that something was going on with Zeke. She thought it had something to do with that girl at the hospital. Zeke had sure been paying her a lot of attention. Even Emily was warming up to her. She couldn't understand why they would be interested in her. She probably hadn't ever even touched a soccer ball. She figured the girl was using some kind of poor me routine on Zeke to get his attention. Well, she would show them. The therapist had finally agreed she could get back to practice with the team if the coach allowed it, so she was going to get back out there and show everyone what she could do. At least no longer having to go to the hospital would get Zeke away from that other girl.
Caitlyn was also thinking about reminding Zeke of the date he had agreed to go with her on. She had great plans for that. She already had her outfit picked out at the mall, and it didn't matter what it cost. She had her dad's platinum account, so she was going to splurge. She knew just where they needed to go, that new high-end Italian restaurant where no one was able to get reservations. She knew her dad would get her in if she asked him. And, she would go in her BMW that her dad had bought her. Before she was done, Zeke wouldn't be thinking about that other girl!
Plans and Theories
A new scientific team has announced that they are making a new attempt at discovering the particle that could be the source of dark matter. So far, none of the attempts made to date have been able to identify such a particle. Some scientists are suggesting that maybe something else is the source of the effects of dark matter, although no one has yet to come up with a theory to explain the effects.
Doctor Ted had given Miranda a number of tests to determine her mental agility, her short-term memory, and finally a full IQ test. When she asked how she was doing on her tests, he would only say, "Good. Good." Because of her memory loss, she had no idea how good she was really doing.
Besides her boredom with being trapped in a hospital room most of the day, Miranda was struggling a lot with her lost memory. She looked at the pictures of her mother, and she still felt nothing. She was really bothered by that. Yet she was able to play a VR game that was popular two years ago, and she remembered all of the details about it. The thing about it, she was able to progress through the game at a high level, and it seemed ridiculously easy to her.
And that was another thing that Miranda was confused about. She was absolutely certain that she was able to do stuff better than she should be able to do. She didn't have a frame of reference to know how much better she had become. She guessed that it had to be because of the nanites that she had been treated with, and she wondered if it was a temporary or permanent result. She had debated whether she should share it with Doctor Ted, but she was too uncertain about the whole thing to bring it up with him.
To relieve her boredom and because she was really interested in learning new things, Miranda had discovered a number of online university level courses, and she had been madly dashing through them. Truthfully, she had been devouring anything available in the VR system, and she was beginning to wonder what she would do when she ran out of courses to study.
She had also been researching the new program at the nearby university called by everyone the "Space Academy". She really
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