Needing Her
Once it was on and the music was loud, I practically bounced around my apartment as I sang along with the songs and rushed to get ready. I checked the weather app on my phone and sighed. It was finally December, and it was still in the mid-sixties. Stupid California weather.
    Once I was dressed and ready, I grabbed the box of remaining oatmeal bath packets and walked over to Connor’s door. Just before my hand grabbed the door handle, I heard a feminine laugh followed by Connor’s, and froze. Letting the box slip from my fingers, I left it in front of his door and went back to my apartment, waiting for Amber to call me. There was no way he could stand up for me the way he did, and say the things he said all day yesterday . . . especially last night . . . and me not be affected by them. Or not be upset that he had another girl, or Sadie again, in his apartment.
    “You ready to get decorations, and Christmas-out our apartments?” Amber said with an excited look on her face as I got into her car.
    Taking the pastry bag from her, I pulled a piece off the muffin and popped it in my mouth. “Mmm-hmm!”
    “This weather sucks though, huh? It needs to be gloomy or something at least. But, no, it’s bright and sunny, barely cold enough for a hoodie. Whatever.”
    I smiled to myself. That is why Amber and I were friends. “Oh well, not too much longer and we’ll be in Mammoth.”
    “So excited! I can’t wait to see the snow! Well, and stay with your brothers in a cozy cabin.”
    I started choking on the muffin and grabbed for my coffee to help it go down. “Seriously, Amber, gross! I’m going to tell my mom you suddenly have the bubonic plague or something, and can’t come with us.”
    “Now that’s just not nice.”
    “Admit it, you only love me because of my brothers.”
    She shrugged and made a face at me. “It’s true.”
    I laughed and cautiously put another piece of the muffin in my mouth, speaking around it. “Bitch.”
    “Your favorite bitch. And don’t be all lame just because you won’t make a move with the neighbor dude.”
    I paused from grabbing my coffee, and laughed sadly. “Yeah, well, like I said . . . that won’t be happening.”
    Pulling out my phone, I sent Connor a text and vowed to get it through my head that he was just my older brothers’ friend, and my neighbor. Nothing more. I also told myself that the girl in his apartment this morning wouldn’t bother me, nor would any other girl after her. Nothing was about to bring down my mood today.
    I ARMY-CRAWLED AFTER my nephew and scrambled away when he stopped, and obviously started making good use of his diaper.
    “Ugh! Oh my God, that is—” I gagged and brought my shirt up over my mouth and nose. “How do you deal with that?”
    My sister laughed loudly and waited until my nephew started crawling again before going to pick him up. “When it’s your kid, it’s different. You do it because it needs to be done.”
    “No, no! God, Amy! Wait until I’m out of the room before you start changing him. You trying to kill me or something?”
    “Chill, jeez. I still have to get the diaper bag and get him ready.” She walked toward me with little Ben and I practically ran to the kitchen. “It is good to see you though, Connor.”
    I raised an eyebrow at her, still keeping my shirt over the bottom half of my face. “I see you every Saturday morning unless I’m working.”
    “I know, but ever since that girl who—”
    “Amy,” I said her name in warning.
    “Ever since that girl who went back to Texas, you haven’t been the same. I don’t know what’s happened to you since you came over last week, but you’re a completely different person. You’re back to my little brother . . . well, almost.”
    I shrugged, and let the hand that wasn’t holding my shirt go out before dropping back to my side. “I’m always me.”
    “No, and you know what I’m talking about. Just because you think you hide it from me,

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