Never Another You

Never Another You by Leeann Whitaker

Book: Never Another You by Leeann Whitaker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leeann Whitaker
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first time Nell saw her father really lose his temper. He forbid her from seeing Jack again. Told her that if she didn’t obey his demands, the Montgomery’s would lose their home, and he would make sure they were not welcome anywhere in Elham. He would personally see to it that Jack’s life was made very difficult. Knowing that her father never made empty threats, she felt she had no choice but to push Jack away at the time.
    When Benny told Nell, Jack had signed up to serve in the war and would be departing that very day, she was devastated. The thought of not seeing him again outweighed all her father’s warnings. So she charged through the village on her mare to get to Elham train station as fast as she could.
    She never said a word to him on that train, because her emotions were so painfully high. She thought it would be the last time she would kiss, touch, or see Jack. It was a hellish farewell that haunted her for years.
    Months later, and after crying out every tear possible over him, Alistair (who had been made a Lieutenant, thanks to her father) proposed in a room full of dignitaries. She said yes. The reason wasn’t love. It was duty. They were married in a manner befitting royalty, and the Brigadier couldn’t have been more thrilled. Her father had absolutely no idea of Alistair’s abuse toward her. Nell, like always, was concerned about his feelings more than her own safety. So she lived with her mistakes in a loveless abusive relationship, she never had the strength to escape from. And now with that flame burning hot inside her for Jack again, she had never been so scared- or confused. If Jack did wake and saw her, it would be disastrous for them both.
    Nell thought she had managed to avoid an encounter with Alistair that morning. She was dressed in her bright white pinafore with her hair pinned back, ready for work before the birds began to tweet in the trees outside her window. But she hadn’t. He was waiting for her in the cigarette smoke filled parlour, sat in his brown shiny leather armchair holding a cup of tea. Her heart dropped a few beats as she tried not to flinch backward at the sight of him. But it was an automatic reaction she had no control over.
    His polished military boots squeaked as he stood up to greet her. He dropped the butt end of his cigarette into the china teacup, and set it down onto the table.
    “Good morning Eleanor,” he said, with an observing eye aimed.
    “Good morning,” she replied, rummaging through her green handbag to avoid eye contact.
    She pulled out her lipstick. She couldn’t understand why he had not left yet. Usually by 6am, he would be on his way to the basecamp located on the coast. More so now with the many ships returning home each day. But not this morning, and Nell was more than apprehensive for the reasons why.
    He strode toward her as she dabbed the peach colour on her lips before the gold oval mirror on the wall. He was in the reflection, right behind her. She dropped the lipstick back into her bag, and stayed perfectly still with her head low, waiting for either his love or hate.
    “Eleanor.” He placed his hand on her chin and moved her face to his.
    Every muscle in her body stiffened at his touch as he studied her cheek. She was expecting another blow; it was quite possible. He had always been unpredictable that way. His blue eyes stared down at her, then thankfully he released her chin.
    “I am sorry about my behaviour last evening,” he said. “It was a very tiresome day. Will you forgive me?”
    It wasn’t the first apology Nell had heard, and she knew he never meant a word. What she also knew is that she had to accept it.
    “It’s fine,” she smiled nervously.
    “Good.” He grinned as though everything was now hunky-dory, then kissed her cheek. “I will be back home around eight this evening.” He picked up his cap, brushed down the green

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