block until his guest was out of sight. I know you’re saying to yourself “Is it really that serious?” Darryl says it most definitely is. In his words, “Women don’t have the courtesy to leave when their welcome is worn out. Sometimes they need a little nudge.”
Darryl’s Story
S ome men are too afraid to say what’s really on their minds when it comes to escaping, but not me. After I have an orgasm and I can’t or don’t want to get it up again, I begin plotting a way to tactfully ask the woman to leave. This may sound cold but I don’t care. It is the truth for most men, whether they want to admit it or not. When I meet a beautiful woman I see her as the most desirable creature on earth. But as soon as I get my orgasm, she is instantaneously transformed into an instant pain in the ass, always trying to cuddle and talk about her feeling. That’s a major turn off for most men. I don’t care how fine the woman is.
Last month, for example, I met this drop dead gorgeous woman at the grocery store. Two weeks later we were in my bed sweating and going at it like wild animals. After the sex was over, she insisted on spooning me from behind and getting all mushy—I hate that. Men need some space after we cum, room to stretch out and breath! Then she started going on about how special she thought I was, and how she was looking forward to seeing me again. Meanwhile, I’m thinking to myself, “I wish I could blink like Bewitched and make this woman disappear.” I know this may sound cruel, but I’m keeping it real. I’ve dealt with so many average women in my life that I’ve developed an assembly line mentality. Basically, I just want to process her from the door to the bedroom. Everything in between her arrival and the time we have sex is simply a waste of time. It’s the same old routine. First I welcome her in, offer something to drink or smoke, then we have sex. But after the thrill is gone, I want her gone! Believe me, there are a lot of women who feel the exact same way! They just don’t want to admit it.
The worst part about this time consuming process is that frequently I am totally disappointed with the end results. Here I am wasting my valuable time trying to maneuver the woman into bed, only to find out she was barely worth the trouble. It’s just like Eddie Murphy said in his stand-up comedy “Raw.” He did an excellent job of describing how women try to trap men by holding out on the sex. Over time, the man starts believing the woman’s pussy is something special. “At first you think it’s a Ritz,” he joked. “But after you’ve eaten it for awhile, you find out that it’s a plain old cracker.” Once I find out that all I’ve got is a plain old cracker, my mind starts reeling with all kinds of schemes as to how I can get rid of her. Sometimes I’ll yawn very noticeably to give her the hint. However, this doesn’t usually work because most women see this as an invitation to offer to lie down with you. “Baby let’s take a nap together.” Inside my mind, there’s a voice screaming, “I don’t want a nap partner, dammit, that was your cue to leave!”
I’ve also tried acting busy around the house hoping she would get the hint. But no! What does the woman do but ask if she can help out. That really pisses me off. I end up trying to dust and vacuum around her while saying, “excuse me” every five seconds. And even if I do allow her to help, she doesn’t know where anything belongs. She puts the forks where the spoons are supposed to be, and the Grits in the Oatmeal section. That just drives me all the more crazy. When all else fails, I resort to extreme tactics to escape this situation, I call it Mr. Freeze, when I turn off the heat and tell her my furnace is out.
She didn’t last long with that thin sheet I gave her to keep warm. Within 20 minutes she was making excuses to leave herself. There was another time I had to practically starve the woman
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