New Beginnings

New Beginnings by Helen Cooper Page B

Book: New Beginnings by Helen Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Cooper
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
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paused. “Don’t tell Max though, I don’t want him to worry or hire security to follow me around.”
    “Oh Ella.” Sophie laughed. “Okay, okay.”
    “Great. Anyway, I’m going to go to the gym now. I’ll see you later?”
    “Yes! And thanks again for looking after Jacob. I really appreciate it.”
    “No problem. I’ll bring my laptop. It’ll be fun.”
    Ella ran a quick comb through her hair before running out of the door with her laptop. She was happy that Max and Sophie were taking steps to get their relationship back on track. A night out would do them good and it would give her time to dote on her nephew and respond to her messages on She was really excited about all the messages she had gotten; something about the prospect of meeting a man who was single and ready to settle down was utterly charming and wonderful to her. She laughed as she got into a cab. It was ironic that both she and Sophie were both so young and gorgeous but both of them wanted to settle down.
    She got out of the cab and practically ran into the building; she was so excited to finally respond to the messages that she hoped that her brother and Sophie were ready to leave already.
    “Hi sis.” Max opened the door and gave her a hug. “Sophie’s still getting ready.”
    “Still?” Ella sighed and followed her brother into his luxurious apartment that was starting to look more and more like a home. Sophie had brought in her feminine touch and there were flowers, throw blankets and magazines strewn all over the apartment. “Well, it’s look nice and bright in here for once.” She laughed. “Not like the bat cave anymore.”
    “Well you know.” Max laughed. “Want a drink?” He offered his sister as he poured himself a scotch on the rocks.
    “No, I shouldn’t.” She grinned. “Let me go and check out Sophie.” She ran to the bedroom and saw Jacob lying on the bed and Sophie was applying a bright red lipstick to her lips “Whoa, hot mama.” Ella stared at her friend. “Are you trying to give Max a heart attack?”
    “No.” Sophie grinned and stood up. “Do you think I look okay then?”
    “You look gorgeous, Sophie.” Ella gushed and stared at the dress Sophie was wearing. “The dress is a little slutty though—I take it you’re not going to a fine dining establishment?”
    “No, not quite.” Sophie laughed self-consciously.
    “Where are you guys going anyway?” Ella asked curiously. “And I like the Louboutin’s. New?”
    “Yes. I went shopping at Sak’s today.” Sophie smiled. “I wanted to feel sexy tonight.”
    “Well. I think you achieved look alright.” Ella smiled at her friend. “You’ll have to help me get dressed for my dates.”
    “Do you have any booked as yet?”
    “No, I’m going to email them back tonight.”
    “Oh fun.” Sophie sprayed her body liberally with some Vera Wang Princess perfume and twirled around the room in her short red dress.
    “Stunning.” Ella hugged her friend and then picked up Jacob. “Now get out of here, I have some emails to send.”
    “Okay, okay.” Sophie walked out of the room with her head high and Ella heard Max wolf whistle. She walked into the living room to see them kissing.
    “Hey guys, I have a baby here that shouldn’t witness such things.” Ella laughed and rolled her eyes.
    “Don’t be a dork, Ella.” Max pulled away from Sophie and laughed at his sister. “Jacob will have to get used to seeing us kiss.”
    “So you’re going to keep him?” Ella knew this wasn’t the right time to bring it up but she had to know.
    “Well, we haven’t discussed it.” Max’s voice was reproachful as he glared at her.
    “Of course we are going to keep him.” Sophie’s voice was soft. “He is Max’s child.”
    “Well…” Max began and Sophie looked at him sternly.
    “The child needs a home Max, we will give it to him.” Sophie and Max looked at each other for a few moments and Ella

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