New Beginnings

New Beginnings by Helen Cooper

Book: New Beginnings by Helen Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Cooper
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
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wear tonight?” Her voice was low and anxious. “I want to fit in.”
    “We’re just going to check it out, Sophie, not partake in anything.”
    “I know.” Her voice sounded peeved.
    “You weren’t expecting to do anything, were you?” His voice was sharp.
    “No.” Her voice was low.
    “Do you want to sleep with another man?” He stopped and closed his eyes as he waited for her answer.
    “What?” Sophie’s voice was shocked. “No, no. Of course not.”
    “Okay.” He breathed a sigh of relief. “Then what were you expecting?”
    “I don’t know,” she whispered. “I don’t know what else goes on there.”
    “But you want to try something?”
    “Maybe.” She paused. “Something small. Just to experience it.”
    Maxwell felt his heart beating fast and a grin spread across his face. “Well, maybe we can arrange something.”
    “What?” Her voice was breathless again.
    “It’ll be a surprise.” He grinned as they hung up the phone. It seemed like his sweet innocent Sophie was not as interested in staying innocent and as he walked back to the office, he thought that perhaps it wasn’t going to be such a bad night after all.

Chapter 8
    Ella was anxious to get home so that she could check her account. Capri had helped her create her profile and she had been receiving notifications all day on her phone from men who had sent her messages. She was excited to see what sort of men had contacted her and was hopeful that she would also like a few of them. For the first time in months, she had gone through the day without thinking about Joseph and wishing that he were still in her life.
    “Hey Sophie,” she answered the phone with excitement.
    “Hey Ella. What you up to?” Sophie sounded frazzled.
    “Just going home.”
    “I’ve never heard anyone sound so excited to be going home.” Sophie laughed.
    “Okay, don’t laugh but I joined a dating website. I’m going to check my messages.” Ella laughed.
    “Oh wow, exciting.” Sophie grinned and then sighed as Jacob started crying again. “Oh my gosh, hold on a second.” She went and picked Jacob up and patted him on the back.
    “How’s my nephew?” Ella asked softly into the phone, she had completely forgotten all the drama of yesterday and was hopeful that Sophie and Max were doing okay.
    “He’s good, I think.” Sophie spoke softly. “Aside from being a baby.”
    “Are you doing okay?”
    “Yeah, I’m fine.” Sophie sighed. “Anyway enough of my daytime TV life, let me hear about your dating stuff.”
    “Want me to read the emails out to you?” Ella’s excitement was infectious.
    “Sure.” Sophie smiled into the phone. “Let me get comfortable on the couch and put you on speaker phone.”
    “That’s okay. Hold on a second, I’m just opening the door.” Ella ran to her room and turned on her laptop. Then she took out a pen and a pad so that she could take some notes. “Hold on, let me a glass of water.”
    “Sounds good.” Sophie sat back and rubbed Jacob’s back. He turned his face up to hers and smiled and she felt her heart melting. When she looked at him she felt nothing but tenderness, though, her heart still ached that he was Max’s son with Alexis.
    “I’m back,” Ella squealed into the phone. “Okay, loading the page now.”
    “Exciting.” Sophie laughed softly.
    “Oh my gosh, I have twenty-five messages.” Ella exclaimed in excitement. “Goldengirl lives.”
    “You did not call yourself Golden girl?”
    “Capri helped me choose the name.”
    “Oh, a new friend I made. She told me about the site, I’ll have to introduce you. She is awesome.”
    “Oh okay.” Sophie tried to keep her voice light but she was jealous. Ella had gone out and gotten new friends and she was still practically friendless. She thought back to Nick, the guy she’d met at the park. He’d been fun and friendly and made her feel like she was just a normal young girl again. She wished she

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