Nice and Naughty

Nice and Naughty by Jayne Rylon Page A

Book: Nice and Naughty by Jayne Rylon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Rylon
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary, Adult
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quite follow. First, Justin raised his eyebrows. Then Jason shook his head. In response, Justin muttered a curse under his breath.
    “What am I missing?” She glanced from one to the other, trying to gauge their expressions.
    “The start up’s head scientist had a heart attack and died this morning.” Jason’s cynicism made it clear he didn’t believe the fatality a natural death.
    “Fuck.” Justin scrubbed his fingers through his hair.
    “I’m assuming that’s when the thieves realized the design had already been shared with Winston Industries and decided to hunt down the details. I’m sorry, Alexa, I didn’t know. The message was highly classified and I missed my assistant in the hallway en route to our meeting. I never would have let you leave alone if I’d realized. Once the information leaked, I put us all in jeopardy. I almost got you killed.”
    Reminded of her narrow escape earlier, she shivered. Her attackers hadn’t been playing around. People had been killed for far less than billions of dollars.
    “Come here.” Before she could protest, Justin tugged her into his lap and surrounded her with his body, which radiated warmth. She could tell he needed to hold her as much as she wanted him to by the desperation in his clutching hands. They were in deeper than she’d ever imagined. “Son of a bitch! We might have lost you before we really knew you.”
    Her pulse raced. “We?”
    “You want us both. Don’t you, honey?” Justin trailed his hand down her shoulder, swiping the blanket away from her.
    “I…” Her mind still reeled from the revelation of the invention. Switching focus, she thought about what he implied. Could she really be with two men? Sex on the hood of her car had been a serious departure from her comfort zone. This…
    “Don’t pressure her, Justin.” Jason’s warning unfroze her. She shook off his concern and decided to be blunt.
    “You’re okay with sharing?” She couldn’t keep the incredulousness from her voice.
    “Hell, yes.” Justin played with the knot in the terrycloth belt. “Let us show you how good we can make it for you.”
    His daring didn’t surprise her but Jason’s slight nod of agreement shocked her. For someone so careful and proper, their proposition shattered logic and promised chaos for ignoring the consequences.
    “We’re two halves of a whole, Alexa,” Jason explained without trying to persuade her. “It’s always been this way.”
    “You’ve done this before?” she asked, though she suspected the answer.
    “Yes,” they answered in unison.
    Time suspended as Justin’s energy crackled, practically stinging her with its restlessness, while Jason’s level stare permitted her room to decide. His reserve challenged her more than his twin’s exuberance. Experience had taught her that passionate emotions could burn out in a flash but Jason’s patient desire coaxed her into a situation that could only result in disaster.
    She knew her weaknesses. Falling for the wrong man ranked high on the list. She barely knew these men and already she craved them. What would happen if she let herself care for them?
    Jason turned away and said, “She’s not ready, Justin.”
    The stab of disappointment that tore through Alexa convinced her to act before she regretted this moment for the rest of her life.
    “Wait.” Both sets of green eyes turned on her like lasers. She wiggled off Justin’s lap and stood between them. Throwing caution to the wind, she shrugged the bathrobe off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. She’d never felt as sexy as when they both drew nearer, as though they couldn’t resist.
    Justin rotated forward and dropped to his knees at her feet in front of the couch. Jason closed the gap between them with one long stride. She shivered when Justin’s hands bracketed her hips and his warm lips kissed her reverently just below her belly button. Jason stood close, his chest brushing hers

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