Nice and Naughty
ahead of her. She recognized a fuel cell and a miniature engine but…that would make the cylinder on the end…
    “Wow.” She had to concentrate on keeping her mouth closed. The tiny motor fit comfortably in Justin’s hands as he lifted it to examine the modified attachment.
    “Exactly.” Jason sounded weary. “About three weeks ago, a small research and development start up approached me, claiming to have invented a highly efficient technology powered by a revolutionary biofuel source. They promised their engine ran on renewable, cheap and environmentally friendly fuel. One that could eliminate our reliance on oil and other petroleum products forever. ”
    “And this is what? A prototype?” Justin tested wires and fittings, he twisted and removed a component.
    “Should you be doing that?” The magnitude of change such a technology could bring staggered her. Watching Justin dismantle it without a thought to the consequences set her on edge.
    “Yeah, I get engines.” He barely paid attention to his response, his focus absorbed in the mechanical parts.
    “So do I, but this is unique. Stop. Let’s take some pictures first, draw up a diagram…”
    He paused to grin up at her. “You’re going all Jay on me there, babe.”
    “Don’t worry, Alexa. I documented every detail as soon as they delivered the prototype.” Jason smiled down at her in commiseration. “Then I put out word that I was looking to hire a technology consultant. The best of the best.”
    “So you’ve had this for weeks and didn’t show it to me?” Justin acted pissed but she knew the emotion stemmed from hurt. “I fucking knew something was up with you. Why did you keep denying it?”
    “Because you would’ve wanted to dive right in and I had to do more research first. Then you were…preoccupied.” He sighed.
    “You did what you thought was best, Jason. You couldn’t have known how dangerous the situation would get.” Their eyes met and held. She detected regret, longing and, not least of all, desire. The longer they watched each other, the more his gaze heated until Justin interrupted.
    “Something’s not quite right.” He pointed to a gear and hose component. “Here.”
    “That’s the problem.” Jason sighed. “It doesn’t work. There’s an integral component missing.”
    “How much do they want for it?” Justin pushed back on the couch, the engine abandoned where he laid it on the table.
    “Fifty billion.” Jason’s calm declaration nearly sent her through the roof. Fifty billion dollars. For just one part. Not to mention the cost of R&D, production and marketing. A deal of this magnitude was out of her league, light years beyond even her last project. Jason’s faith in selecting her for this position staggered her.
    “And I would gladly have raised it. I only wanted to gather a team of experts before word got out. People I could trust. I needed Alexa to head up the program while I was out campaigning for funds and building a consortium to protect our investment. Even Winston Industries can’t secure the kind of a bond that will be necessary to develop this on its own.”
    He beamed at her before continuing. “She’s the best in her field. Her reputation, and my research, guaranteed she could handle the political posturing, maintain the level of detail necessary, coordinate all the departments involved and her mechanical capability would allow her to interface with the technical teams, which I hoped to recruit you for. I’ve been eying her for Winston Industries for some time and this was the golden opportunity. It seemed rational at the time, but you’re right to criticize my over planning.”
    “We’re in this together now, Jay. We’ll work it out.” Justin reassured his brother. There were no hard feelings but Alexa could tell from Jason’s stiff posture that they hadn’t heard the whole story yet.
    Again, the brothers had an entire subliminal conversation she couldn’t

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