Night Swimming

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Book: Night Swimming by Laura Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Moore
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
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still working on his doctoral dissertation, he’s already written a number of articles on coral reef ecology. I’m sure Mr. Granger would be delighted to circulate copies of them among you, and would be equally happy to talk about the work he’s been doing on his dissertation.”
    She turned to John, who was paying far closer attention now that he was the focus of discussion. “John, why don’t you tell the committee a little bit about yourself?”
    Lily suppressed a smile as John eagerly launched into a detailed description of his dissertation topic. Take that, Ferrucci, she thought as she relaxed against the back of her chair, unfazed by the waves of hostility emanating from him.
    It was a good ten minutes before John finished explaining why his Ph.D. dissertation was destined to be hailed as a groundbreaking work of scientific research. The final syllable of John’s last sentence still hung in the air when Ferrucci sprang from his seat, like a jack-in-the-box with a broken lid.
    “And you, Dr. Banyon?” he challenged, thrusting his chin forward aggressively. “Ms. Roemer was kind enough to provide us a few details. I see here that you boast a Ph.D. from Brown University.” His drawl implied Lily might as well have received her degree from one of those correspondence schools that advertise on the inside of match-books. “And it says here you hold a senior research position at the Marine Center. Very impressive. Nevertheless, despite these accomplishments, I doubt your scientific background truly meets the needs of this study.”
    Before Lily could react, Sean was speaking, leaving her to sit in stunned disbelief as his reply registered.
    “Which merely shows how wrong a person can be. In this case, that person would be you, Mr. Ferrucci.” Cool amusement laced Sean’s voice. A few discreet chuckles disguised as coughs circled the room. “Dr. Banyon is acknowledged throughout the world as an expert in coral reef ecology. Her work has taken her to such far-flung sites as the Seychelles and the Galapagos. Of particular importance to us, however, and a fact most people in this room are unaware of, is that Dr. Banyon also happens to be a native of Coral Beach. Her knowledge of these waters is extensive. Indeed, an entire chapter of a book she coauthored on environmental pollution and its effects on marine ecosystems is devoted to the Florida Keys”— Sean paused to clear his throat and his lips curved in a small smile—“As you might already suspect, I could easily continue listing Dr. Banyon’s many scientific accomplishments. Fascinating as they are, I’ll refrain. . . . I know you’d like to get home before midnight.” Sean’s smile became a grin as laughter swept the room. “Suffice it to say, any community would be thrilled to have Dr. Banyon lead its study. And we should count ourselves lucky that Dr. Banyon is willing to accommodate her busy schedule to suit our own. She was to begin the second phase of a project in the Bahamas. . . .”
    A growing sense of unreality had spread through Lily as Sean fired off highlights of her professional career. When he mentioned her work in the Bahamas, her disorientation was complete. How in the world did he know about her next planned tour of duty?
    Recitation complete, Sean paused to look directly at her. Lily’s gaze skittered away, afraid of what he might see there. His unexpected defense left her confused, uncertain. Never in a million years would Lily have pictured Sean as her valiant defender. Then again, Lily reflected, Sean’s role as mayor and as a driving force behind the reef study practically forced him to adopt this stance—at least publicly.
    She knew only too well how he felt about her privately.
    Sean spoke again. “With Dr. Banyon’s professional commitments as numerous as they are, she and her team will doubtless begin their research as soon as possible. I suggest we reconvene in three weeks, by which time Dr. Banyon should be able to

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