Night's Captive
him and Devora appeared. She wore a floor-length sparkling silver evening dress and carried a matching purse. Her long silver hair was arranged in a twist on top of her head, showing her elegant neck. Diamonds glittered at her ears, throat, and wrists.
    The beautiful paranorm female swept her gaze over the bodies then looked at Alec, her green eyes sharp. “What do you know about this, Page?” she asked Alec without any greeting. One tough female, Devora didn’t mess around with preliminaries when on the job.
    “Our intelligence indicated that Dawson was supposed to be here tonight and a drug deal going down.” Alec gestured toward the bodies. “This is what we found instead.”
    Devora’s gaze rested on Loni. “Who’s this human?”
    “Loni Stanfield.” Alec felt a nudge of irritation at Devora’s abruptness. “Selena sent her.”
    Devora studied Loni then turned her attention back to Alec. “Has the task force been notified?”
    “At the same time I contacted Max.” Sirens sounded in the distance. Task force sirens had a different sound than those used by human emergency vehicles. “Sounds like they’re almost here.”
    Devora nodded. “I need to change my clothing. Don’t let anyone touch a thing.”
    Alec saluted as she shimmered and he saw the faint outline of a frown before she was gone.
    “Who was that?” Loni stepped close to him. “And what’s this all about? What happened to these poor people?”
    “They’re all paranorms.” Alec frowned. “Scenes like this have been discovered several times now. Devora’s team has been on it, too, so we bring her in when we run across dead paranorms and Max visits any scenes they find. However, neither team has discovered why the paranorms have been murdered and why holes have been drilled into their skulls.” His gaze moved to the dead paranorm closest to him. “The only thing we’ve learned is that the pituitary gland has been removed.”
    Her brows knitted together. “The pituitary gland?”
    He nodded. “A human pituitary gland is about the size of a pea and consists of two segments. A paranorm pituitary is slightly larger than a human’s and has three segments.”
    She tilted her head slightly. “Why is a paranorm’s different?”
    “Our researchers believe it has something to do with paranormal talents,” Alec said. “At least in part.”
    “That’s odd.” She frowned. “And you have no idea who’s behind this?”
    “Every scene that’s been discovered has been like this one.” Anger grew hot in his belly. “Dead paranorms with no clues left behind.”
    The task force arrived and Devora returned. During the exhaustive investigation, Alec pulled out part of his team because the city still needed protection. Most of them were not required to assist once the task force had arrived and had taken over.
    His phone vibrated as he walked out into the night with Loni at his side. The other members of his team had already left to patrol. He checked the display. Max.
    Alec unholstered his phone and answered, “Page here.”
    “We’ve got a big problem.” Max said. “Y’all need to head on over there and see what in the hell is going on.” He gave directions to the scene, which was only two blocks over.
    “Got it.” Alec holstered his phone and turned to Lyle who was standing next to him. His arm bumped Lyle’s and he felt his powers shift. “Looks like we’ve got some out of control paranorms or some humans who have developed paranorm powers and are causing havoc. I want you to take charge here.”
    Lyle gave a nod. “You’ve got it.”
    Alec grabbed Loni by her hand, and started in the direction of the disturbance.

Chapter 9
    “There’s a problem,” Alec told Loni. “According to Max, there are paranorms gone rogue or humans suddenly in possession of paranorm powers. See if you can keep up.”
    Normally he would have used his natural speed to arrive faster, but he had to keep Loni close. He ran slower than normal and

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