Night's Captive
ever created—and it was William’s to control.
    Clearly attempting to remain still, Todd watched as Samuel filled the syringe with the drug. This time the bottle had a yellow label indicating the donor had been a werewolf.
    Samuel injected Propara into Todd’s vein. Almost instantly, the human’s face contorted as he ground his teeth and sweat broke out on his skin. He managed to hold back screams of pain this time, but it was clearly a monumental effort.
    The human’s body eventually relaxed and Harper freed the male who was breathing hard. Todd stumbled from the chair, a glazed look in his eyes that rapidly cleared. He straightened and slowly smiled as he flexed his muscles that seemed even larger than before.
    “Damn but that shit is good.” Todd lowered himself on all fours and shifted into wolf form.
    The human paused a moment to howl, the sound echoing through the control room. He padded to where Carson waited to take him to the control room. Once the humans grew accustomed to the drug and were trained, they became quite docile and obedient when required.
    William nodded to Harper to bring the next human in.

Chapter 8
    The night was dark, moonlight obliterated by heavy clouds, unusual for the Phoenix area. With his shifter sight, Alec had no problem seeing the Deer Valley warehouse from across the street. All of the Enforcers had enhanced sight—it was part of the job requirement. Only the best of the best were Enforcers.
    And then there was Loni. He glanced at her as she looked through night vision goggles. He had wanted to leave her behind, concerned that something might happen to her, but Selena had insisted that Loni go along.
    Loni’s light brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail that swung when she looked at Alec. She did look hot in the black leather that Petra had outfitted her in. “What are we looking for?” she whispered.
    “Don’t worry about that.” Alec kept his voice low as he studied the warehouse. “Just make sure you stay close to me. I will protect you.”
    “What Selena told you about me having some kind of paranormal talent makes no sense.” She turned her attention to the warehouse. “How can I help?”
    Earlier, before leaving for the warehouse, he had gone over specifics for the operation, including the location, layout, and other details that would be important for tonight. The op was well planned and well organized, and they’d planned for every possible variance they could, but something could always go wrong.
    He frowned at the quietness of the night, touched his finger to his earpiece, and spoke into the communicator. “Anyone else see any activity?”
    “Zero,” Jazz said from her position and the others responded in the negative as well.
    “I’m going in.” Alec shifted his position. “Either our intelligence is wrong or something’s not right. Team one—Petra, Rider, and Lyle, I want you to go in through the exits you’re watching if they’re clear. The rest of you stay put and cover our backs.”
    “You’ve got it,” Strike said in his low drawl. “Just kicking back and enjoying the view.”
    Dani, who was in her wolf form gave a low growl. The only time she could be out of her wheelchair was as a werewolf. She couldn’t wear an earpiece but her hearing and senses were so acute that she didn’t need to.
    “Let’s go, team.” Alec glanced at Loni, hesitated, then drew his dagger from its sheath and extended it to her, hilt first. “Just in case.”
    She reached for it and wrapped her fingers around the grip, even as she frowned.
    “Stay close to me.” He moved forward through the night toward the warehouse.
    From behind him, he heard her say, “You were right. I did say that I wanted adventure.”
    Damn but he didn’t like the idea of her going in with him—she could get hurt. If Selena hadn’t… He gritted his teeth.
    Loni stayed with him as he slipped through the night. It surprised him that she was actually silent as she followed, as if

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