
Nightwalker by Unknown Page A

Book: Nightwalker by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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the one who will be
    He meant it, she realized helplessly. And he could probably do just as he
    said. What options did that leave her?
    "You could try running again," he suggested, as if he'd just read her
    "I didn't run the first time! This trip has been scheduled for the past
    three months!"
    "If you do choose to run again, I'll come after you. I've got all the time in
    the world, Cassie. I'll use whatever it takes."
    "Meaning you don't have a real job?" she gritted.
    "No more than you do," he agreed easily.
    Frustrated and furious, Cassie tossed back the quilt and leaped off the
    sofa. "One of us is going to leave today, Justin, and I intend to see that it's
    you!" She marched out of the library and upstairs to the second floor,
    where she had discovered a bathroom with plumbing that worked. As she
    left the room, she was aware that he followed her with his eyes, eyes that
    were dark and gleaming and full of lethal intent.
    Lethal? The word stuck in her mind as she hurriedly dressed in jeans
    and a red sweater. Surely not! Lethal meant deadly. She hadn't really
    intended to use that word. Justin was out to punish her, not kill her. His
    past was shady but there was no hint of his resorting to murder to settle
    his problems! Her imagination was really in high gear here in this old
    place, she thought grimly. Atmosphere. Too much of it.
    She walked bravely into the kitchen a few minutes later to find Justin
    rummaging around in her grocery sacks. He was obviously making himself
    right at home.
    "What did you bring for breakfast?" he asked conversationally.
    "Only enough for myself," she returned sweetly.
    "You're in a cheery mood this morning," he drawled, locating a box of
    "I'm surprised you're even awake!" she muttered, stalking across to the
    "I'm a very advanced sort of vampire," he growled. "I've learned to
    endure the light of day. Don't even have to drag my coffin full of dirt
    around with me anymore."
    She considered that as she pulled out a carton of milk. "Was it
    something of an adjustment, giving up the night world of casino gambling
    to become a day person?"
    "Like I said," he returned laconically, "I've learned to endure the light of
    day." He leaned against the counter, his arms folded across his chest.
    "Come to think of it, though, this is the first time you've actually seen me
    in broad daylight, isn't it? It seems like every time we've met, it's been at
    night. Do I look any less sinister to you now in sunlight?"
    "Good. I wouldn't want to think I'm losing my natural charm. Want
    some more coffee?"
    "Yes, please. I didn't sleep very well last night."
    "I know. Spent most of the night waiting to see if you'd have to defend
    yourself, didn't you?" He put the kettle on the old electric stove. "Why in
    the world did you pick this old house for a vacation spot? There must have
    been lots of more modern places you could have rented. What are you
    planning to do here, Cassie?"
    "Whatever I feel like doing. Whatever I feel inspired to do, I should say,"
    she told him honestly. "This month of experimentation is very important
    to me, Justin. I don't want you spoiling it for me. Do you understand?"
    "Having an affair with Dracula should be fairly experimental. Why not
    give it a try?"
    "Don't be ridiculous."
    "You know, other than your sharp tongue, you're kind of cute in the
    mornings. All fresh and alive-looking. A day person, hmm?"
    "Definitely." She plunked the milk carton down on the counter and
    grudgingly filled two cereal bowls from the box of granola she had brought
    with her. "We can take these into the dining room," she allowed in
    resignation. Damn it, there had to be a way to evict Justin Drake! In the
    light of a new day she ought to be able to find it.
    "What is it you're going to experiment with?" he asked, following
    behind her with his long, silent stride as she headed for the magnificent
    old dining room.
    "This and that." Her mind was too

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