
Nightwalker by Unknown

Book: Nightwalker by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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tuna fish and handing him the uncut sandwich.
    He took the sandwich without protest and shepherded her back down
    the hall. "I'm not sure yet. I'm working on it. I'll let you know when I figure
    it out."
    "Never mind," she gritted, hurrying back toward the fire in the library.
    "We have another problem on our hands at the moment. There are three
    bedrooms upstairs with beds in them. Help yourself."
    "Where are you going to sleep?"
    She flinched. "Down here. On that little sofa. As you can see, there is
    definitely not room for two."
    He ignored that. "What's wrong with the bedrooms? Too cold?"
    "Among other things."
    "Haunted?" he murmured dryly.
    "Of course not. But the beds are dusty and need to be aired, so I decided
    to sleep in front of the fire tonight."
    "Sounds like a good idea."
    "I've told you, there isn't room for two on that sofa and I certainly don't
    intend to give it up to you!" she shot back, not looking at him.
    "I'll make up a bed on the floor. There must be some salvageable pillows
    and blankets upstairs. In a few minutes I'll go up and have a look." And to
    Cassie's distress, he looked quite pleased with the way things were turning

    Cassie awoke the next morning to silence and the sensation of a heavy
    weight on her stomach. She opened her eyes to find the ebony cat sound
    asleep on her midsection and Justin standing over her with a steaming
    cup in his hand. There was amusement in the depths of his eyes as he
    watched her take in the scene.
    "The storm has passed and the electricity has been restored," he said. "I
    found the instant coffee you brought with you." He was wearing a khaki
    shirt with his jeans this morning. A pleasant change from black, Cassie
    decided. But it didn't lessen the overall impression of compelling
    masculine power, she realized dazedly.
    "Would you mind getting tins cat off me?" she managed to ask crisply,
    struggling to sit up. The cat appeared unaware of her efforts and merely
    shifted himself to a more comfortable position in her lap.
    "I think he likes you."
    "Impossible. I have the feeling this cat is incapable of liking anyone. He
    just uses people. He was probably cold last night so he thought he'd use
    me to keep warm."
    "Not a bad idea," Justin said mildly, handing her the cup of coffee as
    she shot him a quelling glance. "I wouldn't have minded using you for the
    same purpose myself."
    "Not a chance." Cassie sipped the coffee cautiously. "In fact, Justin, I
    have given our situation some serious thought," she announced boldly.
    "Have you?" He sat down in a nearby chair and watched her with
    interest. "What conclusions have you reached?"
    "You're going to have to leave. Today. Justin, I mean it. This place is
    mine for a month. If you don't go willingly, I shall have the local sheriff
    throw you out. Very embarrassing for you, I'm sure. One way or another, I
    want it clear that you're not staying here to stage your grand seduction."
    "Aren't you even curious to see whether or not you can be seduced
    against your will?"
    "I already know the answer and the answer is 'no'!"
    "Then why be in such a hurry to toss me out?"
    "Because I don't want you here!" she seethed. "And I don't think I want
    this dumb cat here, either. He reminds me of you!" She plucked the limp,
    heavy bundle off her lap and set it down on the floor. The cat immediately
    sat down on his haunches and began cleaning his fur just as if he'd
    jumped down from her lap on his own accord.
    "I'm going to stay, Cassie." It wasn't a threat exactly, just a simple
    statement of fact, which made it all the more threatening.
    Cassie watched him for a long moment. "Then I'll have to go and get the
    sheriff," she finally stated defiantly.
    "I'll talk myself out of any scene you try to create." He shrugged. "Go
    ahead, if you want, but it won't work. You'll only come off looking like a
    petulant lover in the midst of a quarrel. I guarantee I can make you look
    the part in front of a sheriff or anyone else. You're

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