now.” He looked down at Rylee, who had
not said a word since the Simpson’s had left. “Remind me never to piss you
    Her laughter made everyone in the room relax
a bit. Shane came out of the bathroom dressed in his bloodied clothing and went
straight to his aunt. These two, Micah realized, were going to need a great
deal before this was finished. And he had an idea that his mom was going to
love every minute of this story when he told her and Reggie.

    Chapter 4
    Reggie showed the two of them up to their
rooms. She wasn’t really sure where Nolan was going to be staying while they
were here, but she assumed with Rylee. She already smelled like him, so she had
been confused when he’d dropped them off earlier telling them he’d be back.
When Rylee turned to her, she could see that the woman was as confused as she
    “What’s going on?” Reggie asked her what she
meant. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, this is an amazing house, but I don’t know
what the hell…heck I’m doing here. Or for that matter, why you’re treating me
like a long lost friend that you’ve not seen in ages.”
    “You are my friend. I know you’re aware of
what we are—shifters—but do you understand that you’re Nolan’s mate?” The nod
and the shaking of her head didn’t surprise Reggie one bit. “Yeah, I know just
how you feel on that part. I sort of kinda knew what a shifter was, but not that
they were too. And when I found out that Micah was not just my mate but…well,
the Bentley men can be a bit to take sometimes. They’re very bossy.”
    “So am I. But that doesn’t answer my
question.” Rylee sat on the bed, then hopped back up when Gracie entered the
room. They’d been introduced before at her house, and now Gracie was handing
her a stack of clothing. “What’s this?”
    “Nolan just called to ask me to see if there
was anything I could lend you to wear. But Chris was here and already had a few
things for you. And so you know, we’ve found something for young Shane to wear
as well. Poor thing had nothing but a bloodied shirt to put on. Oh, and Burke
has looked at him and he’s going to take a pain pill and lay down. Shane, not
my Burke.” Gracie sat on the chair. “I think I can answer your questions too. And
Chris will be up. She’s a witch, darling, so please bear that in mind when she
talks to you. Not that she’ll change you into anything…I’m not even sure if she
can, but knowing her, she—”
    Reggie cleared her throat, and Gracie just
grinned at her. Chris entered the room then with Katie, her grandmother-in-law.
Reggie wondered how they looked to Rylee. A bunch of women here to gang up on
her, or a friendly family gathering of the women folk? Either way, they could
be and were more than likely very overwhelming.
    “We’re panthers.” Chris looked at her when
Rylee sat down. “I’m sorry, should I have been gentler with that?”
    “No dear, you did fine.” Gracie moved to sit
next to Rylee. “I’m to understand that you’re aware of shifters. And that you
know Mrs. Jacobs. Nice woman. She’s a patient of Nolan’s…did you know that?”
    “No. She’s been sick for…what am I doing
here?” Gracie glanced at Reggie before answering Rylee. “I understand that that
bast…that man is going to try and exact some revenge, but I can take care of
myself. It’s money that I have issues taking care of.”
    “Well, you are Nolan’s mate, first of all.
Not that that isn’t a great thing, but there are things going on that you need
to be made aware of. Do you know much about Victor Simpson?” Reggie thought
about what Micah had told her about the meeting with the Simpson men and
laughed a little. “His son isn’t much better, I’m told.”
    “I don’t know either of them other than what
I figured out on my own today. They’re not nice men.” Chris laughed, and Rylee turned
to her. “You’re really a witch?”
    “Yes. Very much so. And you should know that
I can

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