Nomads' Fall: Burning Bastards MC

Nomads' Fall: Burning Bastards MC by Ryder Dane

Book: Nomads' Fall: Burning Bastards MC by Ryder Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryder Dane
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around. He was going to have to watch himself or become a pitiful bastard like Georgie.
    “I thought you might be hungry, and brought a peace offering to keep you from shooting me.” He smiled at her and advanced to the bed. She sat up, clutching the sheet to her surprisingly plump breasts, and tucked the sheet under her arms, before reaching for the plate. “I owe you an apology, and I want you to know I mean it. Gladys has been a good friend over the years, and her husband, Ralph, who decided to take the early retirement road and died a few months ago. He was an odd fucker, but they seemed to get along fine, his death left her alone out here.
    “When you called, I panicked, and you were standing in the doorway covered in blood after just telling me that Gladys was in trouble.” She had the fork halfway to her mouth and nodded her head when he explained the situation from his perspective.
    “And, you have no idea how hard you slammed me and Show’s ego when we saw old Dorsey trussed up like that. We’ve been hunting that motherfucker for months, and there you were with our trophy all neat and wrapped up for us.” She finished the food on the plate and he took it from her hands setting it on the small nightstand. “I should have kissed you right then instead of scaring you. Georgie has an excuse for his behavior, he’s had it bad for Gladys for years now. Me, I have no good excuse for scaring you like that, so I apologize.” He handed her the mug of cooled down coffee.
    “Okay, I get the picture, I wasn’t very subtle when I called you the last time, but I was desperate to get help. That man broke the window and came in, and started destroying things. When he saw me, he came after me and I, well, I shot him. I wanted to kill him, but I was sure he was the one Gladys went out to look for, and I wanted her to decide what to do with him. I should have killed him. Now he’ll get out of jail, and probably come back here for revenge.” She finished the last dregs in the mug and handed it to him before sliding down in the bed. She was so tired, she needed to sleep, and if he was going to be around, at least she didn’t have to worry about being alone and vulnerable while she rested. “Lock the door when you leave please.” She shut her eyes, willing the fog of sleep to come over her. Instead, she felt the bed shift. Her eyes opened wide to see him taking off his boots and leather vest.
    Knight saw her mouth open and the narrowing of her eyes, but he shook his head at her. “I’m just going to hold you until you go to sleep. In spite of the fact that seeing you standing in the doorway like some warrior princess that’s been through a bloody battle and still lived to tell the tale, made me hard as a rock. I can control myself, and you look like you need a cuddle. I know I need one. Scoot over..."
    She found herself scooting. “I don’t need—” but his lips touched hers in the softest kiss she’d ever experienced.
    His, “Shhhsh, just go to sleep,” was the last thing she heard for the next five hours.
    It’d been awhile since he’d stayed with a woman while she slept. In fact he couldn’t remember staying or allowing his sex partner to sleep in the same bed with him ever. It wasn’t a big deal, but still. Once she’d cleaned up, he could see she was quite pretty. His original thought that she was too skinny was confirmed when he walked into the room. Even her collarbones stuck up prominently and those big green eyes were stark against her white skin. He picked up her hand and held it in the palm of his. Nothing but bones covered in skin. Her wrist was so delicate it was hard to believe she was holding a Walther P99 on them earlier. The gun she’d kept in her hand was not a typical woman’s protection piece, it was heavy and built more for a man’s hand.
    The more he thought about it, the more she reminded him of the refugees he’d seen overseas. Was she in trouble? Or just down on her luck, and

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