And the tribe of the Christians, so named after him, has not disappeared to this day.
Many historians dispute that this passage was, in fact, written by Josephus; rather that it was a later interpolation by an unknown scribe - with a cause to serve, however, Louis Feldman *15, a scholar specifically of the works of Josephus, studied 87 articles published during the period of 1937–1980 and reported that:
The overwhelming majority of which question its authenticity in whole or in part.
Alice Whealey *16 - is an independent historian specializing in the intellectual history of Europe. In 2003 she published Josephus on Jesus, The Testimonium Flavianum Controversy from Late Antiquity to Modern Times, critically analysing the Testimonium Flavianum - the disputed passage from Josephus that mentions Jesus Christ. She concluded concerning the historiography, it seems that most modern scholars consider that Josephus really did write something here about Jesus, but that the text that has reached us is corrupt.*
Finally then, we are left with the the fact that only ‘evidence’ concerning the birth, life, death and claimed resurrection of Jesus is to be found in the Bible. We can therefore deduce that this is all another example of Bible nonsense.
*Corrupt - in this sense meaning: containing errors: unusable because of the presence of errors that have been introduced: containing copying errors: containing undesirable changes in meaning or errors made in copying: a corrupt transcription of the manuscript. Contaminated or tainted by something else.
Christians are quick to tell us that the Bible provides a code for life and a guide on moral issues and so called family values. Some go even further and say that without the guidance of the Bible, society would be in danger of disintegrating in a universal moral decline, but does the Bible actually justify this belief?
They, almost without doubt, will immediately quote the Ten Commandments and other scriptures which provide instructions for order in the family.
Here are the Ten Commandments:
From: Exodus 20:1-19
1. Worship No other Gods or have other religious beliefs
2. Make no image of God
3. No swearing using the name of God
4. No work on the Sabbath
(strictly speaking this is Saturday)*
5. Honour/respect your parents
6. Do nor kill another human being
7. Do not commit adultery/no sex outside of marriage
8. Do not steal
9. Do not tell lies about your neighbour/anyone
10. Do not envy/long to possess another’s property, wife, servants or animals
The first four are all self protection for a self admitted ‘jealous God’ and come with threats for disobedience. In an educated, law-abiding and responsible society the remaining six would generally be acceptable as a list of good human behaviour. In fact they are good family values practised by the majority of people on the planet whether or not they have any belief in any god or religion.
*Therefore millions of Christians routinely break this commandment!
In the New Testament there are instructions for family life which are regularly taught in many churches.
From the beginning God gave man authority over the woman. According to the Bible this all began in the Garden of Eden as God had instructed Adam and Eve not to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which was in the centre of the garden and told them that if they did eat from the tree they would surely die! Then the devil, in the form of a talking serpent, tempted Eve and told her that she would not die if she ate the fruit - so she did eat it! When Adam joined her she gave him fruit from the tree and he ate it too. God soon
Karen Luellen
Elena Brown
Marjorie M. Liu
Paul Moxham
Michelle Sagara
James M. Cain
Lindsay Randall
Megan Sybil Baker
Yasmine Galenorn
Alexander Kent