Not Another Soldier
think he could last long so instead I wriggle out
from underneath him and coax him onto his back. If I can’t touch, then at least
I can admire. He presses his palms into my waist as I straddle him, rake my
nails across his solid chest and trace the indents in his stomach. With one
finger, I follow the line of hair to his cock and around down to his thighs.
    He watches my every movement, his gaze flitting between
my face and my breasts as I massage the tops of his legs. Each masculine sound
of appreciation makes my body clench.
    I offer him a tilted grin as an especially loud groan
comes from him, but my smile quickly drops as his eyes grow dark once more. Sitting
upright suddenly, he scoops me easily into his arms and scoots to the edge of
the bed. With my legs hooked around him, his hands cradling my rear, we’re so
close to joined, it’s unbearable.
    His mouth is upon mine, hungrily exploring it with his
tongue. He pants as he pulls back. “Do you…? Protection…”
    “In-in my bedside table.”
    Thankfully he’s able to lean over and rummage in the
drawer without releasing me. He even keeps kissing me until he has to break
away to tear open the packet and sheath himself.
    When he finally takes me, it’s sharp and exquisite and
almost painful. He fills me perfectly, the hot hardness makes me cry out. Nick
mutters an apology but I don’t want to hear regret so I rock into him.
    Guided by his hands on my ass, I move experimentally,
my body already tight and responsive. It’s nearly unbelievable how much
pleasure his cock in me brings. But we can’t hold off too long and Nick’s
restraint snaps. His lips are everywhere as he urges me to move harder and
    With a subtle growl, he lifts me, still plundering my
mouth, and flattens me against the wall. He controls the pace now and it’s
frantic and wild. My hands go all over as I try to hold on. The cold press of
the wall against my spine is an electrifying contrast to the heat of his chest
against my breasts.
    I tilt my head back and his lips find my neck as he
pounds into me. This is crazed and abandoned sex, as if we’ve both snapped. I
don’t know if it’s the adrenaline from earlier or whether it’s just Nick, but
it’s incredible. I’m pulsing around him, each thrust makes my blood sing. When
it hits, it will blow me away and I’m terrified yet so ready for it. If I don’t
come soon, I may just explode in spite of my recent orgasm.
    The friction inside me builds as he presses harder.
I’ll have bruises on my back later but at the moment I don’t care. I want more.
More Nick, more sex, more sensation.
    “Yes,” I moan as my body contracts around him. “Oh
God, yes.”
    I’m tense everywhere but there’s no slow build. My
climax hits suddenly and sharply, sending my limbs shaking. I squeeze my eyes
so tightly that they hurt, while the throbbing continues on and on, making me
hot and limp.
    Through the pulses inside me, I become aware of Nick’s
cock tensing and he lunges several more times, hard, relentless thrusts, before
releasing a harsh groan. He milks himself inside me and we pause, sucking down
deep breaths, still joined.
    The lethargy is already spreading through my limbs, a
warm buzzing sensation and I make no protest when he carries me back over to
the bed and separates us. I’m vaguely aware of him pressing a kiss to my temple
before he pushes my legs under the bedding.
    “Wow,” I mutter, not meaning to but unable to prevent
myself from saying it anyway.
    My eyes are shut and I’m already drifting into a world
of abstract thoughts. Nick seems to feature in most of them as I float off.
    The scent of something rouses me. Coffee. I rub my
eyes before pulling them open and glance at the digital clock on my bedside
table. Four p.m. Shit, I’ve slept most of the day away. I’m working tonight but
I usually only sleep for about six hours during the day when I’m on nights. It
means I can squeeze all my chores in and not have

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