Not Quite a Mermaid

Not Quite a Mermaid by Linda Chapman Page B

Book: Not Quite a Mermaid by Linda Chapman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Chapman
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in big purple letters.
    She coloured it in, but after five minutes she had finished and began to feel bored. Sam and Sasha were colouring in very slowly. Splash had given up trying to draw with his mouth and was amusing himself by seeing how many pens he could balance on his nose. He looked rather bored too.
    What else can we do?
Electra thought.
We can’t do this all afternoon
. She looked around the tidy cave. What could they do that would be fun?
    Sam was carefully colouring in a birthday cake on his card. ‘It must feel weird to be old and not have a proper birthday with presents and a party and things,’ he said.
    â€˜Yes,’ Sasha agreed. ‘I’ll never get too old for parties.’
    An idea popped into Electra’s head. ‘That’s it!’ she gasped. ‘That’s what we can do!’
    The others looked at her.
    â€˜What do you mean?’ Sam said, puzzled.
    â€˜This afternoon!’ Electra said. ‘I’ve been trying to think of something funthat we can do and now I know!’ A wide grin spread across her face. ‘We can organize a surprise birthday party for your gran!’

Chapter Two
    Electra looked round at the others. ‘Well, what do you think?’
    â€˜Oh, yes!’ Sasha exclaimed, clasping her hands together in delight. ‘We can make a birthday banner.’
    â€˜And streamers!’ cried Sam.
    â€˜And a cake!’ said Electra eagerly.
    â€˜We don’t know how to make a cake,’ Sasha said doubtfully.
    â€˜Dad never lets us because he says we’d make too much mess,’ Sam put in.
    â€˜I bet I can make a cake!’ Electra

    said, waving a hand airily. ‘I’ve seen my mum do it
of times.’
    â€˜We’ll give Gran the best birthday surprise ever!’ Splash said in excitement.
    Electra grinned. ‘Why don’t Splash and I do the cake?’ she said, looking at the twins. ‘While you two do the banners and streamers.’
    Sam and Sasha nodded and swam over to one of the cupboards to get some paints and paper out to make a banner and streamers.
    Meanwhile, Electra and Splash headed to the kitchen.
    â€˜We need mermaid flour, eggs,sugar and butter,’ Electra said, trying to remember what her mum used. She opened all the cupboards and found the one with cake ingredients in. As she began to pull things out, she saw a large packet of chocolate chips. ‘Oh, and we need these,’ she said. ‘These will be very good in a cake!’
    â€˜What do we do next?’ Splash asked eagerly when Electra had found all the ingredients, a mixing bowl and an enormous cake tin.
    Electra hesitated. She wasn’t actually too sure. She sometimes stirred the cake mixture when her mum was

    making cakes – and she liked licking the bowl afterwards – but she’d never really taken much notice of what her mum had been doing. But then how difficult could it be to make a cake?
    â€˜It’s easy! You just put everything in a bowl and stir it round,’ she said.‘Then you put it all into the oven with some mermaid fire to cook it.’ She began to open the packets of ingredients. The chocolate chips smelt delicious.
    Splash nosed the bag. ‘Maybe we should taste these – just to check they haven’t gone off,’ he suggested.
    Electra grinned. ‘OK.’

    They each ate a chocolate chip. ‘They taste all right to me,’ Splash said.
    â€˜Maybe we should just try a few more to be on the safe side,’ Electra said.
    They ate some more – and then some more.
    Five minutes later the bag was empty.
    Splash whistled happily. ‘I like cooking!’ he said.
    â€˜Me too!’ Electra gave a chocolatey grin. Picking up the bag of flour, she emptied it all into the bowl. Then she threw in the butter and sugar andcracked the eggs open and emptied them in too. She wasn’t sure how many eggs to use so she used them all. Then she

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