Escaping Christmas (Contemporary Romance)

Escaping Christmas (Contemporary Romance) by Charlotte Ashwood

Book: Escaping Christmas (Contemporary Romance) by Charlotte Ashwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Ashwood
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us. Farrah and I would do almost anything for him.”
    She cast a sidelong glance at him, her face inscrutable in the dark. “You love him.”
    “Yes. Yes, I do.”
    “That’s great. But keep him away from me for the next few days, okay? Deal?”
    He smiled even as he felt a pang at the reminder that they only had a few days left together. “Deal.” He drew her close to him. “Let’s seal that, shall we?” he said, taking her mouth in a kiss that was both sweet and tender.
    Alex knew in that instant that he had fallen hard for Angela. She was sweet and spunky, full of life, and yet mysterious. He loved her sense of humor, and the shadows in her eyes only made him want to hold her in his arms and keep her safe. She had wormed her way past his defenses and was now firmly lodged inside his heart. And she was leaving in a few days’ time. He was in deep trouble.
    They were lost in each other. Angie had her arms around Alex as she settled comfortably on his lap. She had her fingers buried in his hair when they heard a cough not too far away from where they were seated on the porch swing. She stiffened, and Alex let out a string of swear words.
    “What do you want, Hussein?” he practically growled.
    Angie hid a smile as she rested her head in the curve between his shoulder and his neck. Alex was turning into a caveman right in front of her, and she found it really sexy. How sick was that?
    “I came to apologize to Angie.”
    She sat up straight at the mention of her name and turned toward Hussein. He didn’t look contrite as far as she was concerned. She slid off Alex’s lap and turned to face him.
    “You as much as called me a whore,” she stated drily. “Some people would find that unforgivable.”
    He grimaced. She could see his face quite clearly, thanks to the lamps illuminating the garden, and he did look sorry, even though that glimmer of amusement had returned to his eyes.
    “I figure I deserve some forgiveness if only for the pain I had to endure. I’m not sure how many teeth I’ll have left by tomorrow.” He rubbed his jaw.
    Angie couldn’t help the snort that came out. “Not to worry, even if you do lose your good looks, you still have your money.”
    He ignored her tone. “You think I’m good-looking?”
    Angie felt Alex’s arms go around her waist and she leaned into him. “I think that tree over there is good-looking,” she replied blandly.
    “Ouch. That was almost as bad as getting punched out by a girl.”
    “Apologize and leave us alone,” Alex said, but there was no heat in his voice.
    “I’m sorry, Angie. I was out of line, and I have no excuse.”
    Angie nodded once. “You’re right, Hussein, you were out of line. But it’s fine. I’m glad I punched you, though. You deserved that.”
    A slow smile spread across his face.
    He looked into her eyes now and nodded slowly. “I’ll repeat my offer,” he began, and raised a hand when she frowned. “Wait, hear me out. When—if—you finish with him, I’ll be waiting with a big yacht.”
    Angie choked on her laughter even as Alex’s arms tightened around her. Hussein Farhadi was unbelievable. She felt Alex’s breath on her neck. “I’m not letting her go, Hussein, so don’t hold your breath.”
    Angie stilled against him. What was he talking about? She felt her heart race frantically as she tried to make sense of what he’d just said. She needed to see his face, but he held her so tightly she couldn’t turn. She looked at Hussein instead and saw understanding dawn in his eyes. He didn’t know she was leaving in a few days, and she didn’t correct him. What was the point? Alex seemed to be everything she needed in a man, but how could she know for sure? She had been so certain with Michael, and she had been horribly wrong, with devastating consequences. She was not sure she could trust her heart anymore.

Chapter Seven
    Angie lay awake in the dark, lost in thought. After a hectic night of lovemaking, Alex had fallen

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