Justin Timberlake’s new CD was playing on the Blaupunkt car stereo, and Blair turned it up as loud as it would go. Chuck put his hand on her knee again as they approached the Williamsburg Bridge. She picked it up and put it on the gearshift. Had Chuck confused her with a slut like Serena, who had no morals and would fool around with a boy just because he was good-looking and she was vaguely horny? “Drive,” she ordered. “Just drive.” She folded her hands primly in her lap. She wasn’t like that.
Oh, wasn’t she?
Disclaimer: All the real names of places, people, and events have been altered or abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me.
Gossip Girl 08 - Nothing Can Keep Us Together
hey people!
Don’t know much about nothing but s-e-x
Finals are next week and no one seems to care. Instead of staying in and memorizing time lines for AP American history or irregular conjugations for French, everyone’s staying in, ordering Chinese food, and going to bed … with a friend. We’re such a predictable bunch. But what better way to get rid of prefinals and pregraduation stress?
Did someone mention gifts?
Graduation—the actual ceremony, I mean—is really for the parents. The gifts we get for graduating make sitting through it totally worthwhile. Let’s guess what some of our favorite people are asking Mom and Dad for.…
B: She claims to be over men, but what she really wants is a new hunky boyfriend. One that wouldn’t cheat on her with her best friend at a party in a bathtub.
V: An alternative-boy calendar so she can keep them all straight.
N: A lifetime supply of Kleenex with a nice blue plaid Ralph Lauren Kleenex-box holder.
D: A used Hyundai, a driver’s license … oh, and a life.
S: A hobby other than stealing her best friend’s boyfriend. Whatever happened to her modeling/acting career, anyway?
J: Wait, she’s not graduating. But she still needs a school to go to next year.
Something we all want: a single gigantic, fantabulous party for everyone to go to. None of that irritating never-get-to-finish-your-drink party-hopping business. Let’s just find the perfect venue, invite everyone, have the time of our lives, and never leave.
your e-mail
Q:dear GG,
my little brother is in the ninth grade at st. jude’s and he heard that N is going to a shrink. supposedly he has to, like, regress back to being a baby so his shrink can figure out why he’s such a pothead. that’s why he’s crying all the time.
A:Dear nformed,
Forgive me for asking, but doesn’t this regression technique also cause N to wet his pants? Ew. Poor guy!
N kissing S demurely on the cheek outside her apartment building at Eighty-second and Fifth. Were her parents watching, or is he, like, the only boy in the entire universe who can actually resist her, even though she’s supposedly his girlfriend? Maybe he had soggy pants and he had to hurry home and change? B and C blasting music in traffic on the Williamsburg Bridge. His arm was around her and she was petting his monkey. Now there’s a relationship that could work! V spraying her rooftop love den with air freshener and rearranging the fur throw pillows. With so many guys to pick up after, it must be hard to keep things tidy and smelling fresh. And was that a pair of boys’ tighty-whiteys we saw her toss off the roof to the street?! J in a New Hampshire hardware store trying to talk her dad out of buying a wheelbarrow for D as a joke graduation present instead of a car. Don’t think he’d appreciate the joke. K and I trying on every pair of white flats Ferragamo makes. Is someone going to tell those girls that wearing matching shoes is tacky? Hey look, I just did!
Remember, graduation is really for the moms and dads. So why not wear that frilly Laura Ashley dress with the enormous white bow over the butt that your mom has been saving for you since you were ten and then reap the rewards. Can you spell
Laura Bradford
Edward Laste
Chip Rowe
Ruby Harper
Guy Gavriel Kay
Jade Laredo
Jack Hunt
Marquita Valentine
Kaye Dacus
P. N. Elrod