
Sundown by Jade Laredo

Book: Sundown by Jade Laredo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jade Laredo
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looking back at the fuming man standing next to him, he then brimmed with pleasure.  “Perhaps then, even my brother might join us once again?  I am truly a blessed parishioner.  In walks, my wayward brother and once more an accomplished pianist straight from heaven.  God has truly answered all my prayers.”
    Arabella watched as the turbulent man forced a curt smile.  The look in his eyes was anything but pleasure.  If anything, he looked downright murderous.  Stepping away from the tree, he forced a brusque smile and then turned his maelstrom gaze on her.  
    “Miss Gentry.”  His voice was husky, and the least amused.  Something flickered in his eyes, almost corporeal as he glanced over her.  Without another word he walked away, leaving them standing there watching his departure.
    “You must forgive my brother.”  The Parson spoke with quiet reason.  “Bray tussles with his demons.”
    Arabella watched the Parson’s brother walk away. 
    She noted his powerful stride, like a dangerous cat he prowled with dead on purpose.  Undoubtably, she knew nothing was going to get in the man’s way.  Lifting a falsetto voice, she tried to mask her obscure thoughts by forcing a tremulous smile. 
    “I suppose we all have a demon or two tucked away?”
    “My dear this is exactly why I’m the Parson.”  He returned with a smile and chuckled.  Holding out his hand, he motioned for her to follow.  “Come now I see your father is waiting.”
    “Sir, I’m afraid you’re most gravely mistaken.  That man is not my father.”  Arabella mused.  “At the moment, he’s the Sheriff of Sundown.”
    “Ever vigilant, is he?”
    “Of late.”
    “Well then, I fear he’s just cause with a band of outlaws on the loose and a lovely daughter to protect.”
    Arabella blushed.  She liked Parson Hanly though she could not think the same of his brother.  She let her eyes fall on his retreating form as he jumped into a wagon with the rest of the family in tow.
    “Well, I’m sorry for interrupting time spent with your brother.”  Arabella grasped at his hand with an apology.
    “No need to apologize, Miss Gentry.”  The Parson smiled, squeezing her hand.  “I usually see the family twice a week.  They run a little ranch a few miles outside town.” 
    “Parson.”  A Familiar voice interrupted.
    They turned to find the Sheriff starring at them curiously.  His watchful eyes lingered on their clasped hand.  Arabella quickly pulled her hand away, noticing the tick, which plagued the corner of her father’s mouth.
    “Sheriff Gentry.”  He gave a decisive nod, and then wandered back toward the church.
    “Really Father, must you try and intimidate the Parson?”
    Arabella hid a knowing smile.  Her father was a man of little words.  He always had an uncanny way of mumbling what he felt when he thought someone refused to take him serious.  She watched the corner of his lip curl, boring his taciturn gaze on her as he ushered her forward.
    “He’s harmless and quite civil compared to some of the men I’ve encountered thus far.”  Arabella countered. 
    “Just looking out for your best interest, that’s all.”
    “Surely you don’t think the Parson has any thoughts less than virtuous towards me?”
    “Adam fell for Eve.”  Wyeth suggested.  “Even the bible tells of Godly men who have fallen from grace.”
    Arabella smiled. 
    “I believe God created sin so we might learn from our mistakes.  Besides, I think Parson Hanly has already had his fill.”
    “Why would you say this?”
    “Intuition.”  Arabella replied smartly, crinkling her nose at her father.


    In the days following the town council meeting, news of Sundown’s new schoolmistress spread like wildfire.  Despite Mamie Hartley’s desperate insistence, the Sheriff of Sundown’s daughter was not respectable enough to hold a position of trust, the rest of the council had voted her

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