Nothing Lasts Forever
mother who doesn’t want him.”
    “Did you hear what I said?”
    “What did you say?”
    Abby smiled through eyes that were filling with tears. “I said I feel the same way. Let’s see if we can adopt him.” Abby felt his body shudder against hers as he held her close in a warm embrace.
    “What about your journey?” he asked, his voice gentle yet hesitant.
    “I think I found my journey, my purpose. Our purpose. Right there in that hospital bed.”
    His body shuddered. He held her close for a moment. “I’ll go talk to Sallie, see what she can do to get us connected. I’ll meet you at the camp.”
    “You don’t have a way back and you are not getting a ride from her.” She held out her hand. “We go together to see Sallie.”
    Jon stood there for a moment. When he realized she wasn’t about to budge, he took her hand in his and they took the elevator to the nursing administration offices.
    Sallie didn’t seem too fond of the fact Abby stood next to Jon while he explained the situation. She wore out the carpet as she walked back and forth for a few moments and then arranged to have them meet with a social worker in the morning. Abby didn’t miss the fact Sallie didn’t say a word or look at her. Then she brushed her hand against Jon’s arm and looked in to his eyes as if giving him a hidden message. Then she turned and looked point blank at Abby. Are you serious? You want me to think there’s something going on here! Instead, Abby held out her hand where Sallie had no choice but to shake. “Thank you for your help, Sallie. We both appreciate your help.”
    She began to tug Jon towards the door but stopped and turned. “If we are a success at adopting him, you could be Grand-nanny Sallie.” The room fell silent as they left, Abby sporting a great big smile. Top that one!
    Jon stood beside her as they rode back down in the elevator. He opened his mouth to say something and then stopped and grinned instead. His arm flung around her shoulders and he whispered in her ear. “She’s too young to be a Nanny you know?”
    Abby lifted a brow. “I hadn’t noticed.”
    “Hi Abby! Are you ready to go see Elvis’s mansion? The van is leaving in about five minutes.” The little white haired lady waved as she walked towards them. They were relaxing outside after the crazy afternoon with Kevin. Jon, recently showered, wore a pair of sport shorts and had both bare feet reclining in the zero gravity chair.
    “I forgot about the tour.” She turned to Jon. “We’re going to see Graceland, the home of Elvis. This is Margie. Are you coming along?”
    Margie spoke up. “You’ll have a blast. Nice to meet you Jon. I insist you come with. Is Penny going too?”
    Abby shrugged. “I don’t see why not. She goes everywhere with me and if she can’t get in, I don’t go in.”
    “I remember you told me that last night. She’s a therapy dog so I’m sure they’ll allow her in. Let’s call them and see,” Margie suggested. She pulled out this elaborate looking cell phone with a pink and purple cover and began to push in some numbers.
    Abby sidled up to Jon. “I’ll grab some cash and a credit card. I’m not sure but I think the mansion is right down the street.”
    It was as if Margie listened to every word said because she jumped right in to their conversation. “No, no! I wouldn’t take any credit cards or wallets. I’ve heard people try to picket pocket you when on these tours. Just a word of warning,” she told them, her face so serious Abby almost burst out laughing. “Oh and they said Penny is fine to go on the tour since she’s a therapy dog.” She shoved the phone back in her pocket.
    Jon nodded to Abby. “Grab some cash, she’s probably right.”
    Abby had a secret hiding place for her cash. In a little purple bag with a gold drawstring, she fished inside and plucked out two hundred dollars. The rest

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