Of Being Yours[another way 2]
lives with four women. He needs to assert himself as the man around the house enough as it is.”
    “I just can’t see him as a Dom, though,” I said, earning myself a glare from both Will and Laura. “Sorry. Thinking aloud.”
    “Well, don’t,” Will said, but his words were light and he was smiling.
    “He’s okay,” Laura countered. “But I suppose that just leaves the convenient warm dick option.”
    “Could you do it?” I asked, genuinely curious. “I mean, Steven is your husband. And Maddie is your sub….”
    “I think,” Laura said, playing with her fingernails again, “I could do it if it made them both happy.”
    “No,” Will interrupted. “No. You need to be happy too. We’ve been part of a three-way before, and trust me, Laura, it’s no fun unless everyone is into it.”
    “Think about it,” I added. “You don’t need to make a decision right away.”
    “Yeah,” she said slowly. “Yeah. I just feel like all of this is running away with me, and I don’t know how to handle it.”
    “Have you talked to Steven recently?” Will asked.
    She shook her head. “No. I didn’t know how to approach it with him.”
    “It’s probably a good idea to talk about it with him. If he’s not interested in fucking her, then you don’t have anything to worry about. He’ll be honest with you, right?”
    “Yeah. Yeah, of course.”
    “There you go.”
    Laura gave us a watery smile. “Thanks, guys.”
    “Honestly, Laura,” I said, “you’ll work it out.”
    I gave her a hug before she left and realized I missed that kind of female contact. It shocked me, feeling like I was missing out. I hadn’t felt like that in a long time.
    Will had brought paperwork home with him to finish for a meeting the following day, so I cooked: fried chicken and salad and coleslaw made fresh while he worked at the breakfast bar. He didn’t mind the radio being on while I cooked; he said the noise never distracted him. And he liked when I put sauces under his nose for him to taste, for his approval.
    “What do you think about Laura’s situation?” I asked him as we sat down to eat.
    “Honestly? I think she’s been lucky to get away with it for so long already,” he said.
    “Oh yeah. Steven is a saint. We all know that. But there’s only so long she can parade a beautiful naked young woman in front of him before he decides he wants to get in on that action. He’s a man, after all.”
    “With the patience of a saint,” I said, arguing lightly. “Steven knew about Laura’s involvement in the lifestyle when he married her. He put up with me for ages.”
    “Ah, you’re different,” Will said as he took a bite of chicken. “This is really good, by the way. You never lived with them, Jess. You don’t look after their kids and iron his shirts and charm her mother.”
    “I disagree. I charmed the pants off her mom.”
    He laughed. “Seriously, though? I think if anyone can work through this, it’s Laura. She’s always had a solid moral code that allows her to be a deviant and a wife and now a mother as well. I think they’ll be just fine.”
    “What would you do?” I asked as I picked at my salad.
    “I’m not sure that I could ever get myself into that situation. The idea of polyamory just doesn’t sit well with me. Of course, it could work for them.”
    “Do you think that’s how they’ll end up? As a polyamorous threesome?”
    “Maybe,” he said. “You know I find it hard to split my affections, or I should say, I had serious issues when I tried to do it before. Having a sub who’s also my partner is perfect for me.”
    “Thanks,” I said with a smile.
    “Of course, you’re perfect for me anyway. The fact that you’re kinky too is the icing on top of a really good cake.”
    “I know. Session tonight?”
    I considered it, whereas once I would have jumped at the chance to be with him like that. My body had its own limitations, and however much I loved to

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