Of Water and Madness

Of Water and Madness by Katie Jennings Page A

Book: Of Water and Madness by Katie Jennings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Jennings
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    “Come on, it’s not so bad. You get to hang with three beautiful women all day,” she told him, wrapping an arm around him. “Perk up, or we’ll make sure to take extra time fawning over lingerie for the wedding night.”
    “Lingerie, huh?” His eyes lit up as he looked straight at Rhiannon, who let out an impatient sigh.
    “Not for me.” She scowled, crossing her arms over her chest. “We’re just going to get a couple of things for Capri.”
    “Mmm hmm.” He grinned, winking at her before turning to the other girls. “So, we leaving or what?”

    Liam had only one word to describe New York City: exhilarating.
    They’d arrived in a secluded section of Central Park, and had trekked their way out along winding pathways surrounded by enormous leafy trees and wide areas of open grass. It was a warm, sunny day in the Big Apple, and with the heavy humidity of lingering summer he knew it was going to heat up substantially during their visit.
    Buildings sprouted up out of the ground all around them, bursting up toward the sky with windows that glittered in the morning sunlight. On the roads, cars honked and people sped swiftly down the sidewalks, heads down and content to be a part of the bustling madhouse that was city life. He personally preferred quieter and calmer scenes, but for the moment he was enjoying the speed and anonymity of urbanites. And with the three girls beside him, he could enjoy their reactions to the city as well as his own.
    Capri was staring around in absolute wonder and excitement. She had never been to the city before, and the pleasure she felt just to be experiencing every little detail that was so foreign to her was obvious in her expression of pure, unadulterated delight.
    Blythe, not unused to city life and accustomed to New York City in particular, was strutting around brimming with confidence and well worn city ethics. She scanned the crowds seemingly indifferently, but he knew she was looking out for possible danger. Cities harbored all kinds of strange and potentially harmful people, and a smart city dweller always kept their eyes peeled for trouble.
    Rhiannon had her reading glasses on and her face buried in her map of the city, busy locating the shop they needed to hit first. He had to keep his arm around her to steer her through the crowded sidewalk, but he didn’t mind much. Without her practical ways, they’d wander aimlessly through the city for hours and accomplish next to nothing. As she was fond of saying to him, someone had to be the responsible adult in the group.
    “Okay, so we have to go several blocks south to get to the first store. I think the fastest and easiest way would be to take a cab. Our appointment is at ten, and it’s already nine thirty, so we don’t have much time,” Rhiannon said suddenly, unearthing herself from the map to stare at them owlishly through her reading glasses.
    “Oh, I’ve never hailed a cab before,” Capri said nervously, glancing around at the busy street.
    “It’s no big deal.” Blythe flashed a quick smile as she stepped to the edge of the sidewalk and threw her arm out aggressively, waving at a cab that was cruising through the traffic. It swung toward them and stopped briskly in front of her. “See, that wasn’t so tough.”
    Liam let the girls file in first before he climbed in and shut the door. It was a tight fit for four people, but they had managed it.
    Rhiannon read off the address to the cab driver, who immediately pulled away and skillfully maneuvered through the traffic to take them to their destination.
    After they’d arrived and Rhiannon had paid the cab driver with exact change plus a generous tip, they poured out of the car and stared up at the first store on their list.
    “Oh my.” Capri held a hand up to her mouth to hide the giddy smile on her face. “Look at those dresses in the window!”
    Blythe followed Capri to peer through the glass and marvel at the dresses on display, while Rhiannon

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