her orgasm approached. It spiralled inside her with every lick and stroke of his tongue. She winced and reached for her clit, cheating by rubbing it for a quick release. He grabbed her hand and pressed it to the bed, holding it next to her hips while he continued to undulate his tongue inside her. The orgasm took forever, but when she finally moaned low with her body clasping at his tongue, she was ecstatic and covered in sweat.
    He continued to work at her until she relaxed, and she mewled in disappointment when he pulled his tongue from her and lifted his head.
    His eyes were solid silver as he moved onto her in a slow crawl that made her shiver. He rubbed across her as he inched up her body until his chest pressed against her breasts and his cock edged into her.
    Bella really wanted to laugh, but as he slid into her, she couldn’t find anything to laugh at. She wrapped her arms around him and spread her hands across his back as he moved into her with long, slow thrusts of his hips.
    She tried to keep her gaze on his, but the intensity of his look was too much. She concentrated on the feeling of his length inside her, surging inward and dragging back. The friction was so sweet, she nearly cried.
    Tears did eventually leak out of her eyes, and she ducked her head against his chest as release surged toward her again.
    If he hadn’t been so far forward and pressing against her clit each time he thrust, she wouldn’t have lost control, but as it was, he surged and her body bucked while her mind shattered.
    Bella came to in his arms, curled against his side. She opened her eyes and focused on the mark she had left in his chest. She whispered, “I am sorry.”
    He was lazily stroking her back. “Why?”
    “I bit you. I didn’t mean to.”
    “I bit you as well.” He smiled. “I apologize.”
    She frowned and pulled her hand free from between them. She went looking for the mark and found a raised crescent of skin on her collarbone. Oddly enough, the skin was numb in the area.
    “It feels weird. Does it look weird?” She bit her lip.
    “It looks a little swollen, but you are not in a coma, so the antibodies you were given on your flight here were successful.” He kissed the ridge lightly.
    She frowned and pulled out of his embrace, rolling off the bed and heading out in search of a mirror.
    A slick trail of cum snaked down her inner thigh, but she wanted to see the mark.
    In the lav, she stared at herself in the mirror. The bite mark was in scale to Meiron’s jaws, but it was her own bright eyes and the flush to her skin that distracted her. She hadn’t seen herself looking that alive for quite some time.
    Meiron wandered in behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pressed a kiss to her neck. “Are you feeling all right?”
    Surprisingly, she answered honestly. “Yes. I think I am. Do you want me to engage in some first aid on the mark I left on you?”
    He grinned at her in their reflection. “No. I am fine. We kept our thicker skin.”
    She sighed. “Speaking of skin, I think I need a shower. All I can smell is us.”
    “That isn’t a bad thing, but if it keeps you from joining me, I believe a shower is in order.” He nibbled at her neck and backed her slowly toward the multi-directional shower.
    When the hot water cascaded over her, she groaned happily and relaxed into Meiron’s embrace. It had been so long since she felt the touch of water on her skin, it was nearly more addicting than his touch. Nearly, but not quite. As he ran his hands over her, she felt like purring.
    It was not the worst way she had ever spent an evening with the boss.

Chapter Eight
    Bella spent three days in a peculiar haze. Meiron brought a good selection of gowns up from storage for her, and she didn’t see her house at all.
    The arrangements were made for a business trip to the west-coast manor, and Bella knocked on Lord Akking’s door. The carved wood swung open, and she walked in with her data pad in

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