On Her Master's Secret Service
needed to take a step back. She was too good to be true. “I need to check out your credentials.”
    She sat back. “All right, but why don’t I tell you what I need so you can make an informed decision. I’ll be waiting for the next twenty-four hours and then I’ll have to find someone else.”
    “Someone else?”
    “Yes. I need backup, and I’ve figured out a way to bring another person into the inner circle. I’ve worked for months to get into a place where they trust me enough that I can bring someone else in.”
    “I’m working at a club run by a man named Chazz Breyer .”
    That name rang a bell. “He was in prison with Evans for six months. He was Evans’ cellmate. He did time for armed robbery. Five years.”
    “Yes. And he’s running a club now. I believe it’s a club that launders the money from Evans’ drug-dealing business. He’s been running drugs all over the Southern US, and he’s busy amassing a fortune. I’ve estimated what he’s made at somewhere in the hundred million vicinity. Even if he’s kicking most of it back to his South American connections, he’s still got some serious bank going. What do you think he’s going to use that money for? He’s planning something. I know it.”
    Evans had killed plenty of people with the chump change he’d made before. What could he do with serious connections and millions of dollars? “What’s your plan?”
    “From what I’ve been able to figure out, there’s a network of these clubs across the US, each one keeping the business small so they don’t attract too much attention from the authorities, but when you put them together, they’re significant. Evans visits from time to time to pick up money or information or to just keep everyone in line. I’ve been working at Cuffs for six months and Chazz trusts me.”
    “Cuffs?” Alex felt his blood pressure tick up a notch.
    “It’s a nightclub with a fetish theme. They all are.” She started to reach for his hand and then pulled back. “I believe it’s another way of him insulting you. You were his greatest nemesis.”
    The motherfucker. “Evans found out about my lifestyle. He paid some people at the club my wife and I went to in Virginia. He used it against her.”
    “He likes to hold a grudge. I’m sorry. Should I not have brought you into this?”
    He shook it off. Evans would want to desecrate anything that was sacred to Alex, and staying away from him wouldn’t change that. “No. I want in. You’re working for him?”
    “I’m tending bar, but I convinced Chazz that what he needs is a Dom in Residence. He doesn’t really understand the whole lifestyle thing. I took him to an actual club in Miami and showed him how they run. He wants someone to come in and run scenes, for entertainment. I’ve convinced him that this is the way to get the big boss to notice him. He’s got some contacts coming next week and he wants to run the idea by them. He’s trying to move up in the organization. From what I understand, all of the men are somewhat curious about the lifestyle. A person who could give them information would likely be quite popular.”
    “I’m not going to counsel a bunch of tourists. Especially drug dealing, very likely terrorist tourists.”
    “Just run some hot scenes and give the crowd something to talk about.”
    Her plan fell into place. “I’m the new Dom in Residence.”
    “You’re also my brother,” she said with a grin. “I’m bringing you back with me from Austin. I have all the information for your cover on a thumb drive if you’re interested. And I told them you would bring your own sub. I thought that would make it easier. The more people we can bring in, the safer we’re all going to be.”
    Who the hell would he take in as a sub? “Why didn’t you just say I was your old Dom? That would have been simpler.”
    Her face screwed into a mask of horror. “Oh, no. You’re going to be expected to have sex with your sub. I can’t

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