On Her Terms (Premiere Companions Book 2)

On Her Terms (Premiere Companions Book 2) by Doris O'Connor Page B

Book: On Her Terms (Premiere Companions Book 2) by Doris O'Connor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Doris O'Connor
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what they had shared to nothing more than a paid for business transaction, but Jamie knew better. She was too inexperienced to fake her responses, and he knew the look a woman got when she liked what she saw. Let her look at that bite in the mirror and remember who she truly belonged to.  No matter what happened in the future, from now on in, she was his, pure and simple.
    Jamie pulled the plug and waited for the water to drain away. She really had the most amazing curves, and his dick gave up any pretense of not being interested as more and more of her creamy flesh was revealed. She shivered in the cool room, and stepping up, Jamie carefully wrapped her long, damp hair into one of the fluffy towels, before he bent down to pick her up and out of the bath.
    Nicoletta stirred in his arms, murmuring something that he couldn’t quite catch, and he froze, expecting all hell to break loose. However, her head fell back onto his chest, and her even breathing told him that she was very much still fast asleep. He carried her across to the bed freshly made by housekeeping, and having lowered his precious bundle carefully onto the covers, proceeded to dry her off with another towel he’d gotten from the shower room earlier. Even in her sleep, her body responded to him. It took ever last ounce of self-control Jamie had to not give into the blatant invitation she sent him.
    However, that would make him an ass, and whatever she might think of him, once this night was over and they both had to face up to the harsh reality of their actions, he didn’t want her to have any regrets. While he had no doubt that she would welcome his advances in her half asleep state, he wanted her submission freely given, not coerced by his persuasion.
    So, instead, he pulled the heavy comforter over her naked body, and wandered out of the bedroom and across the suite to the balcony to wait for her to wake up. Evening approached rapidly and with it the food he’d ordered for them. Jamie tipped the guy handsomely to leave the warming trolley he’d brought the food up on behind.
    “The lady is resting right now, and I’m loath to wake her up, see.”
    “Of course, sir.”
    The young guy who couldn’t be much older than Nicoletta herself glanced toward the slightly ajar door to the bedroom and grinned.
    “As you wish. Just give us a ring when you’re ready for me to collect it all.”
    With a deep bow, the youngster left, leaving Jamie to his dark thoughts.
    After all, how would she react when she found out that he was a good nineteen years older than she was? Only ten years younger than her father.

Chapter Five
    Nicole woke up slowly, and her stomach rumbled loudly when the delicious smell of cooked food registered. The sun was just setting if the orange glow filling the bedroom was any indication. With it came the realization that she wasn’t in the bath anymore, and that she must have slept for hours. Her hair had dried in a tangled mess which would take forever to sort, not that that was her most pressing concern for now.
    No, that would be her bladder, so with that in mind she threw the covers back, and frowned at the clean sheets. Housekeeping had been then, just like Jamie had said they would. Thoughts of him made her heart beat faster. She’d been so angry with him, yet her still half asleep brain couldn’t quite compute why that had been.
    He clearly was still here, because a) his hold-all sat on one the plush chairs, and b) she highly doubted housekeeping duties extended to transferring fast asleep guests from bathtub to bed.
    Nicole rolled her eyes at her jumbled thoughts, and padded over to the bathroom to use the facilities. The reflection that greeted her in the mirror when she washed her hands took her breath away.
    She hadn’t expected to look so different, and she wasn’t talking the bird’s nest that masqueraded as her hair. If she didn’t think it a far too fanciful expression she’d have said she glowed. Was this

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