On Thin Ice

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Book: On Thin Ice by Eve Gaddy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Gaddy
Tags: Fiction, General, Suspense, Romance, Contemporary
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Her mind chanted a distant warning but her body melted like a snowcone in the Texas sun.
    Gabrielle groaned and gripped his shoulders, then slid her hands down to his chest. His muscles felt sleek and powerful, like those of a cougar. Not at all like those of a lawyer who sat in a courtroom or read briefs all day long. She wanted to touch him, touch bare, warm skin, feel its heat against her own. Unconsciously, her fingers kneaded his chest and she angled her mouth to deepen the kiss. Drowning, she started to go under for the third time.
    His mouth still fused to hers, Devlin boosted her onto the hood of her car with a move so easy, so practiced, she knew he’d done it a thousand times before. And she didn’t care. His hands covered her breasts. Shaping them, molding them, caressing them. Her nipples stiffened beneath his palms. She whimpered against his mouth, not realizing she’d done it until his mouth left hers, and she moaned again when she felt his teeth nip at her neck.
    Leaning her back, his body heavy on hers, he trailed his lips down her throat, pressed a hot, wet kiss into the hollow at its base, then skimmed the skin of her chest just above the cleavage. His hand slipped under her skirt and between her thighs, smoothing over the soft skin above her stockings, gliding closer to the source of her heat, closer to the sweet ache of longing. In the dim mist of her mind she heard a noise, an annoying, distant clanging.
    Opening her eyes slowly, she gazed into dark gray eyes, fathoms deep with desire. Her gaze lifted, and she looked upward, confused by the harsh, glaring light, the steel beams, the hard feel of metal beneath her back. Again she heard the clanging sound and finally placed it. A car running over something.
    Sanity returned, as harsh and cold as the lights. What in the devil was she doing? This wasn’t her plan at all. She was supposed to be in charge here. Yet she was lying on the hood of her car in the garage parking lot, for God’s sake. Moments away from being thoroughly debauched.
    “Stop,” she said, panting. “Devlin, wait. We can’t—” He cut her off with a kiss, his lips hard against hers. Helpless for the moment, she responded, but then, grasping at what little will she had left, she wrenched her mouth away from his. “Don’t. We have to stop.”
    Devlin stared at her, his hand still beneath her skirt, for a moment looking as dazed as she felt. But she didn’t believe he could be. He was too calm, too composed. Too damned experienced to be rocked as she had been. Already the look had faded from his eyes.
    “All right.” Very slowly, he dragged his hand down her thigh, leaving her aware of each agonizing, taunting inch of his journey, and placed a hand on either side of her hips. His voice was seductive, as deep and dark as the devil. “Come to my place.”
    She shoved him away and bounded off the car before she could do anything else stupid. Like agree. “No.” Striving for composure, she pushed her hair back, tucking it behind her ears. In a firmer voice she repeated the word. “No.”
    His eyes narrowed as he regarded her. His expression hardened. The line of his jaw tightened, as did his lips. Her heart began to thud again, from fear this time. Made uneasy by his continued silence, by the way he looked at her, she said, “Just because I let you kiss me doesn’t mean—”
    His harsh laughter interrupted her. “Let me? Sweetheart, you melted into a hot puddle of honey. You were as much a participant in what just happened as I was.” He took a step forward. Gabrielle took two steps back.
    His expression changed from angry to thunderstruck. “What’s the matter with you? Do you think I’m going to attack you?”
    “I-I—” She stammered and fell silent, shaking her head. Oh God, this was getting worse by the second. Why did she always do idiotic things around him?
    “You do. My God, you really think I would.” He stepped close to her, crowding her, overpowering her

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