Once Upon A Time (Historical Romance)
John's wife."
    Jilliana remembered seeing Prince John a year ago when he had visited his mother. Although she had not been presented to him at the time, she had observed him with the queen. His words had been oily, his eyes lusterless, small, and cunning, while his lips had been thick and pouting. She shuddered—no, she would not marry John! Even the unknown prince of Falcon Bruine was preferable to him. She lowered her head, resigned to her fate.
    "I am most grateful to you for the lovely gowns and jewels. I will see that the jewels are returned to you as soon as I am able."
    "I cannot take credit for providing the wardrobe or the jewels, my dear. They are donations from the people of your own country."
    "But how?"
    "You spoke to me of your friend, Humphrey, from the convent. In actuality, he is Sir Humphrey, one of your knights who pledged to stay near you. Loyal heart that he has, he bore his duties without complaint, and never broke the pledge he gave your mother. Even after you came to me, he remained in the nearby village, ever vigilant."
    Jilliana found it painful to breathe when she thought what Humphrey—or, Sir Humphrey—had endured for her sake. "He spent years in menial servitude at the convent just so he could watch over me?"
    "That is so. He also went secretly among your nobles to acquire what you needed to enter London in splendor. As you see, your subjects were extremely generous with their queen. You must know that you are well loved."
    Jilliana glanced at the ruby ring on her hand. "I cannot imagine why anyone would be so generous with someone they did not know."
    "It is the loyalty people feel for their rightful ruler. I can assure you that you are important to all of Talshamar." Eleanor rose and moved to the door. "You must sleep now. Tomorrow you begin your long journey."
    "Your Majesty, thank you for all your kindnesses. I shall miss you sorely."
    Eleanor looked sad for a moment. "You have been a joy to me, child. I shall miss you and hope the day will come when we will meet again."
    "I am frightened of what lies ahead."
    Eleanor suddenly wondered if the girl was capable of the task that had been set for her. She was such a gentle spirit, perhaps Henry would destroy her.
    "There is no need to be frightened, Jilliana. You have only to remember that your family name is older than that of the Plantagenets. Your family was ruling Talshamar when Henry's was yet heathen. Comport yourself with dignity at all times and you will not fail. Remember that you are a queen!"
    Jilliana stood straight and tall, her eyes sparking fire. "I shall not forget."
    Eleanor clamped the girl's arm, her tone suddenly hard and cold. "I must warn you not to underestimate Henry. He's sly and cunning and will try to thwart you at every turn. Do not allow him to humble you. Henry does not respect those he can manipulate."
    "I shall never submit to his domination," Jilliana promised, raising her chin and straightening her spine. "When I stand before him, I shall remember that I am my mother's daughter—this I swear!"
    Eleanor was pleased by the passion Jilliana displayed. This once meek girl had become consumed with the burning fires of revenge. Perhaps she would be a worthy opponent for Henry after all.
    "Each step you have taken until now, Jilliana. has led you to the moment when you face my husband. You have been honed, schooled, and instructed since you first came under my care." Eleanor's face softened and she turned away. "Go now to your bed, child. You leave before sunrise tomorrow."
    "I wish—I wish you were coming with me."
    "Foolish girl, you know I cannot leave my prison. But you will be my ears and eyes and you will give voice to my words. In that I shall be with you."
    Wishing she could say more, but knowing she had been dismissed, Jilliana left and slowly climbed the stairs to her chamber. She had realized tonight that while the queen was fond of her, the force that guided her life was her constant battle with her

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