One Night in Bangkok (Passport to Passion #1)

One Night in Bangkok (Passport to Passion #1) by Rhian Cahill Page B

Book: One Night in Bangkok (Passport to Passion #1) by Rhian Cahill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhian Cahill
Tags: Contemporary Erotic Romance, Erotic Romance, bangkok
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him that so excited her senses. Long fingers wrapped around his glass and she imagined how they would feel wrapped around a part of her body. Any part.
    His skin was dark and the contrast his hands would make against her pale coloring gave her goose bumps. Her breathing had gone shallow and she knew her pupils were dilated. She was aroused. More aroused than she’d been in months, maybe even years.
    She could easily imagine rolling around on a bed with this man. Imagine the thrust of his cock as he sank deep inside her clenching pussy. Heat flooded her. Cream flowed from her core and drenched her already damp panties. She breathed deep and tried to slow her pulse rate as he sat watching her with hungry eyes. Those dark eyes did nothing to help her cool down. They fanned the flames higher, told her things he wouldn’t say out loud. Not here. Oh, she had no doubt he’d say them in private. The question was would she ever get to hear them?
    Did she want to hear them?
    “Maybe we should introduce ourselves? I’m Tom.” His smile bordered on little boy cheeky and had Beth’s own lips curling in response.
    What was that flicker in Tom’s eye when she said her name? Whatever it was, he quickly covered it with that sexy gleam he’d had trained on her since he sat down. No, that gaze had been on her long before he’d joined her.
    “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Beth. I hope you don’t mind me buying you a drink, but you looked so hot when you sat down I knew you needed one of the hotel’s famous fruit cocktails.”
    Was it her imagination or had he put emphasis on the word hot ? His gaze roamed down to her chest where her nipples still poked out against the front of her blouse. Her breasts weren’t large, but her nipples were and they were definitely drawing his attention. She shifted in the chair and tried to make the fabric pull away from her skin. She only succeeded in thrusting her chest out toward him. In slow motion, Tom ran his tongue over his bottom lip. The gesture made her nipples ache painfully. She wanted that tongue wrapped around one while he used his hand on the other.
    Arousal spiked through her belly, centered low and fanned out to fill her rapidly swelling pussy. Tom shifted and Beth found her gaze drawn to his lap. His legs were thick, solid, and the material of his pants pulled tight across them and the impressive bulge sitting at the top of his thighs. How much larger would he grow? Tom cleared his throat and her gaze darted up to meet his. She didn’t miss the smile that curved his lips or the flared nostrils and dilated pupils. He was as aroused as she was. Oh my God!
    What was she doing? She was in a foreign country checking out a guy she didn’t know and getting so horny for him she was ready to jump his bones. She hadn’t let herself behave like this in public like this since . . . well, since she’d become Alexander Hollister’s fiancée. Keeping up the proper appearances in public, befitting that of a Governor Elect’s future wife, had put a stop to any and all of Beth’s naturally flirtatious personality traits.
    Could she find herself again? She’d taken the new job in Phuket to do just that. But did she want to take this step? Maybe she should do something she hadn’t done in a long time. Should she enjoy the moment and not worry about what someone else might think? The press was no longer interested in what she did, not after she’d exposed the so-called ‘perfect’ Alexander Hollister for the lying, cheating son-of-a-bitch he was.
    “That’s an evil little smile. Care to share what prompted such a grin?”
    For a second she’d forgotten Tom sat across from her. “I was just thinking how revenge can be sweet.” She didn’t elaborate because he didn’t need to know the sordid details of her past.
    “I can think of other things that are sweeter.” Tom’s gaze left her in no doubt about what he thought would be sweeter.
    “Can you now? Care to share?”

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