One Shot
shingle. She's new and she's keen.'
    'Is it ethical?'
    'No law against it.'
    'It would be father against daughter.'
    'It was going to be Chapman, and Chapman knows Rodin a lot better than his daughter does, probably.
    She's been away for a long time.' 'Where?'
    'College, law school, clerking for a judge in D.C 'Is she any good?'
    'I think she's going to be.'
    Rosemary Barr called Helen Rodin on her office number. It was like a test.
    Someone new and keen should be at the office on a Sunday. Helen Rodin was at the office on a Sunday. She answered the call sitting at her desk. Her desk was secondhand and it sat proudly in a mostly empty two-room suite in the same black glass tower that had NBC
    as the second-floor tenant. The suite was rented cheap through one of the business subsidies that the city was throwing around like confetti. The idea was to kick-start the rejuvenated downtown area and clean up later with healthy tax revenues. Rosemary Barr didn't have to tell Helen Rodin about the case because the whole thing had happened right outside Helen Rodin's new office window. She had seen some of it for herself, and she had followed the rest on the news afterwards. She had caught all of Ann Yanni's TV appearances. She recognized her, from the building's lobby, and the elevator.
    Will you help my brother?' Rosemary Barr asked.
    Helen Rodin paused. The smart answer would be no way. She knew that. Like no way, forget about it, are you out of your mind? Two reasons. One, she knew a major clash with her father was inevitable at some point, but did she need it now? And two, she knew that a new lawyer's early cases defined her. Paths were taken that led down fixed routes. To end up as a when-all-else fails criminal defence attorney would be OK, she guessed, all things considered. But to start out by taking a case that had offended the whole city would be a marketing disaster. The shootings weren't being seen as a crime.
    They were being seen as an atrocity. Against humanity, against the whole community, against the rejuvenation efforts downtown, against the whole idea of being from Indiana.
    It was like LA or New York or Baltimore had come to the heartland, and to be the person who tried to excuse it or explain it away would be a fatal mistake.
    Like a mark of Cain. It would follow her the rest of her life.
    'Can we sue the jail?' Rosemary Barr asked. 'For letting him get hurt?'
    Helen Rodin paused again. Another good reason to say no. An unrealistic client.
    'Maybe later,' she said. 'Right now he wouldn't generate much sympathy as a plaintiff. And it's hard to prove damages, if he's heading for death row anyway.'
    'Then I can't pay you much,' Rosemary Barr said. 'I don't have money.'
    Helen Rodin paused for a third time. Another good reason to say no. It was a little early in her career to be contemplating pro bono work.
    But. But. But.
    The accused deserved representation. The Bill of Rights said so. And he was innocent until proven guilty.
    And if the evidence was as bad as her father said it was, then the whole thing would be little more than a supervisory process. She would verify the case against him, independently. Then she would advise him to plead guilty. Then she would watch his back as her father fed him through the machine. That was all. It could be seen as honest dues-paying.
    A constitutional chore. She hoped.
    'OK,' she said.
    'He's innocent,' Rosemary Barr said. 'I'm sure of it.'
    They always are, Helen Rodin thought.
    'OK,' she said again. Then she told her new client to meet her in her office at seven the next morning. It was like a test. A sister who really believed in her brother's innocence would show up for an early appointment.
    Rosemary Barr showed up right on time, at seven o'clock on Monday morning.
    Franklin was there, too. He believed in Helen Rodin and was prepared to defer his bills until he saw which way the wind was blowing. Helen Rodin herself had already been at her desk for an hour. She had

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