streets that led west, away from Calgary to the mountains of the Canadian Rockies.
With map in hand and a prayer in their hearts they anxiously anticipated a small cabin, devoid of illness, where they could ride out the pandemic. Hopes ran high that the hurried trip would spell their salvation and that ultimately they would be reunited with their families and loved ones.
Chapter 5
Shadows danced among the orange and yellow hues that illuminated the inner walls of the small cabin. Raven sat on the couch eating a cup of yogurt she’d pulled from a snow bank, just outside the back door, only moments before. For now the snow cover was acting as her refrigerator and the fire as her lighting system. A pair of candles were flickering on either side of her laptop, which was now drained of power a nd sitting on the tabletop. A second day without electricity had brought her story to an abrupt halt. Some progress had been made the day before, but writing by hand was difficult and her wrist ached from the hours she’d spent completing the most recent chapter.
The display on her phone indicated less than 10% battery power. She cussed herself again, wishing she’d spent the extra $15 and gotten the car-charging accessory. The writer debated calling Smugs but felt she better save what little power was left in case a real emergency presented itself. The night before she’d sent a quick note to Mick, downplaying the situation, as not to worry her friends but tonight, as she sat looking into the flames, her heart ached for some companionship or news of the outside world.
The last bite gone, she ran her finger around the inside of the plastic container and swept the very last morsel into her mouth. She contemplated what state she’d be in had it not been for the stack of firewood her unc le had chopped and placed alongside the cabin. Earlier in the day, Raven had tried to make it to town but when she’d slipped sideways on the narrow road and almost plummeted down a steep incline, she’d returned to the cabin and decided to wait for help to arrive. Surely, she must not be the only one without power and the utility company was working to restore it.
Unable to sleep in the bedroom, it being too far from the warmth of the flames, she curled up on the couch and slept lightly, hoping the morning sun would restore the electricity, along with her optimism. Hours later something woke her. Raven bolted upright, the embers still glowing but no flame as she listened for the sound that snapped her from a dream. She pulled the blanket around her and strained to hear what it was that had startled her. Bzzzzz, Bzzzzz, the sound sent Raven to her feet shrieking, before she realized it was her phone reporting an incoming text message. “Idiot,” she said, reaching for her phone. Great, she thought, as she responded to the message from Bobi, telling her that they were on their way. ‘No POWER – steal a generator!’ She smiled as she sent the text, wondering if Bobi would take her at her word.
More awake and clear-headed she lis tened again, thinking perhaps the night's sounds or a vivid dream had yanked her from her sleep. Nothing . . . no wait . . . there it is again. In the cold of the room, sweat formed on her upper lip as the distinct sound of someone or something walking across the back porch reached her ears. She held her breath and closed her eyes, focusing every ounce of energy on hearing what was happening on the other side of the wall.
Suddenly, something heavy slammed against the back door, shaking the wall and sending a fishing rod and picture frame clattering to the floor. Raven screamed and jumped back, distancing herself from the door. She knelt next to the fireplace, almost crushing the phone in her fist. A single candle twinkled in the dark of the room, providing the only light, as Raven looked about for a weapon.
There’s a shotgun, somewhere there’s a shotgun. Where
Julian Stockwin
E. Lynn Harris
Stephen Wetta
Angela Knight
Karin Fossum
Avril Tremayne and Nina Milne Aimee Carson Amy Andrews
Tamai Kobayashi
Kasey Michaels
Hannah Reed
Bonnie Lamer