Oriana and the Three Werebears

Oriana and the Three Werebears by Tia Fanning Page B

Book: Oriana and the Three Werebears by Tia Fanning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tia Fanning
Tags: Erótica, paranormal romance
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asleep when she absently felt a warm blanket cover her body.
    It was not enough.
    “Lay with me, please,” she murmured. “I’m cold.”
    There was a moment of stillness, then the mattress dipped with his weight. Once again, she was gathered into his arms. She snuggled close to him, and her last thoughts before sleep fully claimed her were of how wonderful he smelled.

Chapter Five
    After searching almost the whole bunker for signs of his older brother and their beautiful guest, Jordan, with Jon close on his heels, walked toward the only place he hadn’t explored yet. He stopped at the darken doorway to the lavish spare bedroom—a room he hadn’t really entered since Jon first decorated it. His younger brother insisted that they prepare it for the ‘special woman’ that would magically appear in their lives one day, saying how important it was for them to impress her so she’d want to stay.
    Jordan felt along the wall until he found the light switch, then flipped it up. A soft glow filled the room.
    He blinked twice to be sure he wasn’t hallucinating.
    He wasn’t.
    Jack was in the bed with Oriana.
    “This is unexpected,” Jon whispered, grinning.
    Jordan nodded in concurrence. This was the last thing he imagined he’d find. While his eldest brother was dressed, Oriana did not appear to be. The brocade comforter and flat sheet had slipped down to reveal the creamy smooth skin of her slender neck, beautifully shaped shoulders, and gorgeous breasts.
    “Do you think he slept with her?” Jon asked softly.
    “Well, obviously. He’s sleeping now.”
    “No, I mean slept with her,” Jon emphasized. “You know, dicked her down.”
    “No, I didn’t,” Jack murmured, his eyes fluttering open. “And watch your language.”
    “What? Why?”
    Jack gently tugged the sheet over Oriana before carefully untangling himself from her hold and sitting up. He wiped the sleep from his eyes. “Because there’s a lady present.”
    Oriana rolled over and buried herself deeper under the covers. “It’s okay,” she yawned. “I don’t mind.”
    Jack rose to his feet and rubbed the back of his neck. “I do.”
    “Sorry Oriana, just ignore Jack,” Jon said in usual cheerful demeanor. “He’s always a grump in the morning. I, on the other hand—”
    “Be quiet, Jon” Jack grumbled.
    Muted laughter floated from the bed. Jordan hid his smile. The soft tinkling giggle was infectious, and it made his heart flip-flop. Unfortunately, the queerly pleasurable sensation was short lived due to the next question that left his older brother’s mouth.
    “Did you two find the plane?”
    “Yes,” Jordan and Jon replied in unison.
    Jon exhaled heavily. “There’s noth—”
    “—thing we can do to fix it right now,” Jordan interjected. “I’ll need some equipment from town.” He looked over at Jon, whose eyes widened with surprise. “Once dipshit—I mean dummy—here finds the keys to helicopter, I can acquire what I need to get the plane up and running.” He glanced at Oriana, who sat up and stared at him in interest. “Sorry about the slip in language.”
    She smiled. “It’s okay... Jordan, right?”
    He nodded, feeling nervous and excited, along with a slew of other giddy emotions all at once. His scientific logic kicked in, reminding him not to let his surging hormones damper the knowledge that could be garnered from the experience. After all, true sexual lust was not something he encountered often, and to actually be suffering from the condition made it that much more important that he remember every detail accurately so he could document it.
    “What’s wrong with it?” she asked.
    Shit. “Um... It’s very complicated. How do I explain...?” His mind searched for a workable lie that would not tip Jack off.
    “I’m starving,” Jon piped in. “How about breakfast? Oriana, do you like chocolate chip pancakes?”
    “Yes, I do.”
    “Wonderful.” Jon grabbed Jordan by the arm and

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