Oriana and the Three Werebears

Oriana and the Three Werebears by Tia Fanning

Book: Oriana and the Three Werebears by Tia Fanning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tia Fanning
Tags: Erótica, paranormal romance
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met the youngest brother, she could imagine him saying something cute like that. “I’m flattered to be... keepable .”
    Jack’s fingers gently wrapped around her upper arm. He helped her to her feet, then tugged the blanket from her shoulders and tossed it into the corner. He guided her toward the tub.
    “Um, I’m still dressed.”
    “You don’t want to keep your bra and underwear on?”
    Oriana shook her head. Hell no. I’ve been wearing these things for three days now.
    “I can’t reach my bra clasp or pull my panties down completely,” she said aloud. “I need you to take them off for me.”
    “Are you sure?”
    “My desire to be clean far outweighs my modesty at this moment. I’m giving you full permission to remove all intimate apparel without fear of reprisal.”
    Closing his eyes, he lifted his hands to reach around her.
    Oriana stepped back. “Jack, stop.”
    He opened eyes.
    She smiled. “I don’t care if you see me. Hell, feel free to look your fill. I won’t be upset. I was a fetish model, remember? Do you have any idea how many people have seen me some state of undress?”
    “You trust too easily. For all you know, I could be a serial rapist or a murderer.”
    “I figure if you were going to rape and/or murder me, you would have already done so by now, or at least given some hint of such nefarious intentions. But since you haven’t harmed me—and have, in fact, gone above and beyond to help me, you’ve earned my trust. Does that make sense?”
    “Do you have a preference of which garment I remove first?”
    “None whatsoever.”
    Jack’s gaze locked with hers as he reached one hand around her body and quickly unclasped the bra with nimble expertise. Never breaking eye contact, he slipped the straps off her arms and tossed the bra into the corner with the blanket.
    “You’re quite the gentleman,” she remarked dryly.
    “You have no idea.”
    “Of the gentleman you are?”
    “No. Of how hard it is to be one right now.”
    Staring into her eyes, his warm thumbs deftly slipped in-between the fabric of her panties and the skin on her hips. He tugged them down over her thighs. Even as he lowered himself to pull the panties past her knees and off her feet, his gaze on hers remained unwavering. The panties joined the pile in the corner.
    He straightened out. “Ready?”
    She nodded.
    Jack turned off the faucet. He then guided her to the tub, holding her firmly as she struggled to step into the water. After completing that agonizing task, she tried to descend, but was inundated with excruciating pain.
    “I don’t this is going to work,” she groaned. “Let’s just do a shower.”
    He repositioned his arms. “I’ll lower you.”
    “No. I’m heavier than I look. What if you drop me?”
    “I won’t drop you. Trust me.”
    “Trust you?”
    “Where’s that stalwart faith you had in me a few minutes ago?”
    “Fine,” she bit out, relaxing her body and letting him bear her weight. “But so help me, if you drop me, I’ll be kicking your ass later.”
    He effortlessly lowered her into the sea of white bubbles. “Such language from a lady,” he said under his breath, slipping the back pillow behind her
    “So spank me. I never claimed to be a lady,” she muttered as she settled into the water and closed her eyes, relishing the heat that instantly eased her rigid muscles and the yummy aroma of piña colada.
    “Another tempting offer. I can look my fill and spank you. Why can’t there be more women like you in the world?”
    She opened her eyes and regarded him as he knelt beside the tub. Though his expression showed something akin to boredom, his eyes shined with humor. He was teasing her...or perhaps flirting with her.
    Either was fine.
    “It’s an expression. Like saying ‘so sue me’ or whatever. But since you seem so thrilled with the prospect, I won’t let you down. When I’m better, I’ll let you spank me, if you so desire.”
    “You’re very...bold.”

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