Ossendar: Book Two of the Resoration Series

Ossendar: Book Two of the Resoration Series by Christopher Williams

Book: Ossendar: Book Two of the Resoration Series by Christopher Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher Williams
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priestesses of the church were taught about the Kelcer prophecy. They were also taught to keep a watch for any warriors who had suspicious talents. At Kara's nod, the Arch-Bishop continued speaking, “There are some who think that he is the one prophesied about, especially now that he has been adopted by King Darion.” He grimaced at his own words, “A foolish move that was. It only added to the paranoia of some.”
    “But, I know Flare and he's a good man. He's not evil.” Kara said quickly, when Arch-Bishop Simon paused.
    Simon glanced back at Kara, “Oh, don't worry young lady. We do not think that Flaranthlas Eldanari is the one that Kelcer was talking about. Many parts of the Kelcer prophecy are confusing and hard to decipher. However, one part is quiet clear. The person who will try to restore the Dragon Order will be born under the sign of the Prince, and it is quite well known that Flaranthlas was born under the sign of the Tree.” He paused momentarily and glanced down the row of Arch-Bishops, “However, some are worried because of the apparent closeness of the half-elf's life and the events mentioned in the prophecy.” He motioned to the other four Arch-Bishops, “We agreed to order you to watch him and report to us simply to placate the fears of others.” He smiled at her as if that explained everything.
    “But, isn't it treasonous to spy on a prince of the realm?” Kara asked, all the while hating what the men were asking her to do.
    Simon laughed and leaned back in his chair. “We're not asking you to spy on him, just keep track of what he's doing.”
    Sounded like spying to her, and she opened her mouth to say so, when the gruff arch-bishop interrupted her.
    He slammed his hand down on the table, which made Kara jump. “You will do as you are told, without questioning your superiors.” Kara kept her mouth shut, though she did glare hatefully at the old man. “Leave us now. You will be contacted when we wish to hear your report.” The mean old man leaned forward, “And don't disappoint us.”

    Chapter 3
    The cloaked man walked through the streets of Telur without much fear of a cutpurse. Instead his fear lay in being recognized, as there were far worse things than having your throat cut. His hood was pulled up and his face was buried deep within the shadows. It made it harder to see where he was going, but the anonymity was worth it.
    He stumbled on the hard packed dirt of the street and stifled a curse. There were too many people about, and besides he was well known for his cursing. If he started cursing now, he might as well throw back his hood and avoid stumbling.
    Coarse language and a woman's answering giggle made him pause. But it was nothing, just a whore and her man of the hour. He stood there for a moment waiting for his heart to calm down and listened to the people entering and leaving the taverns and inns that lined the street. This was far from the best part of town, but he liked it better than the more affluent locations. This section of Telur always seemed to be alive; here the people indulged their vices.
    Finally the man moved forward again, heading toward a quieter part of the street. Here the taverns were not as busy and the inns seemed deserted.
    He turned down a side street and walked between two small inns. He barely glanced at the names on the signs that swung over the front doors. On his right was the Demon's Dagger, which was an absolutely stupid name. Why would a demon need a dagger? The other sign was little better, it showed three unrecognizable figures sitting around a small fire with the words The Goblin's Den beneath the drawing.
    Shaking his head, the man moved past the two inns and approached a doorway. The doorway opened into an old empty warehouse. He paused just inside the door, letting his eyes adjust to the light and listening for any sounds that shouldn't be there. The warehouse was old and the cracks and chips betrayed the age of the brick

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