Paradise Wild

Paradise Wild by Johanna Lindsey

Book: Paradise Wild by Johanna Lindsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Johanna Lindsey
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going over papers.
    “You’re not supposed to work after a party, Father,” she scolded as she came into the room.
    “I’m not working, my dear,” Samuel replied, putting the papers down. “Actually, I was looking over your grandmother’s will.”
    “Whatever for?” Corinne frowned. “This hasn’t anything to do with Mr. Burk, does it?”
    “In a way, yes. He asked about the owners of the shipbuilding firm. I was just checking to be sure I gave him the correct facts without giving him all of them.”
    “Just what are you talking about?”
    “Sit down, Cori. As you know, my father founded the shipyard, but it was on its last legs when I married your mother. Your mother’s money helped, but it was your Grandmother Daneil who saved the shipyard. She became a full partner, but left the running of the yard to me. Later, when we expanded, Elliot invested, and now he and I run it together.”
    “What has this to do with Mr. Burk? You’re not thinking of letting him invest in the firm, are you?”
    “Yes,” Samuel said frankly. “Elliot and I have been considering enlarging the yard for many years. We just can’t meet demand as it is.”
    “Then use your own money,” she suggested. “Why bring someone else into it?”
    “By taking another partner, we will increase profits, our customers will get quicker results, but it will cost us nothing.”
    “And where does this put Mr. Burk?”
    “He will be a silent partner, not an active one. After all, the man isn’t planning on settling here in Boston, not as far as I know. He will own shares in the firm whichwill double his investment in a few years, but he will have no control and very little voting power. Elliot and I own equal shares, but you are the major stockholder, since your grandmother left you all her shares.”
    “Why not get an investor that you know, then? One of your old cronies. Why Mr. Burk?”
    “Because I’m sure he doesn’t plan to stay here. He won’t be underfoot, constantly inquiring about his interests. And there is no way Mr. Burk could ever get control of the firm, just in case he has that in mind.”
    “He could marry me,” Corinne teased. “That would put him in control.”
    Samuel grinned. “You like him, then? He’s a very intriguing fellow.”
    “I was only speaking hypothetically, Father,” Corinne answered quickly, appalled.
    She could just see herself married to a man like that. He would rule with an iron hand, worse than her father did.
    “Well, even if you did marry Mr. Burk, he could not have control of your shares unless I decided he was trustworthy. And I doubt that I would decide in his favor until the day I died.”
    “I thought when I reached twenty-one that I would be in control. Are you saying I won’t be?”
    “That’s why I was looking over your grandmother’s will. The money will be yours when you become of age or marry, but control of your shares is still left to me, until I feel you are ready to take over. And if you are married then, I will have to have confidence in your husband, also.”
    “Why? I don’t understand why grandmother gave you that power. She didn’t even like you.”
    “I know,” Samuel chuckled. “She knew I married your mother for her money, which was and still is acommon practice. Not that I didn’t care for Mary, mind you. But Daneil knew that I would look after your best interests, and that’s what she wanted to ensure.”
    “Why didn’t you ever tell me about this before?” Corinne asked.
    “Because it doesn’t really affect you, Cori,” he answered easily. “You’re not planning on participating in the running of the firm, are you?”
    “Of course not.”
    “So you see, it makes no difference. I maintain control of the firm, but the profits from your shares still go to you as they always have.”
    “I haven’t seen any of these profits!” Corinne remarked bitterly.
    “They have gone into your trust, more than doubling it since your grandmother’s

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