Party at Silver Spires

Party at Silver Spires by Ann Bryant Page B

Book: Party at Silver Spires by Ann Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Bryant
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thought it sounded like a really good game.
    â€œThanks for showing me the answer about the continental shelf by the way, Nicole,” said Emily as she dealt the cards. “I don’t know what I’d do without you to help me in prep,” she added.
    I assured her I didn’t mind and then laughed and said I only hoped it was right. The others all said it was sure to be right because I had such a big brain. I couldn’t help feeling embarrassed when they said things like that, but only a bit, because I was used to it now and I was sure it didn’t make them like me any less. They seemed to be flattering me, except Antonia, who, as usual, wasn’t saying a word. I was still trying to work her out and kept wondering if she was happy in our dorm, she was so silent all the time. I knew it wasn’t very nice of me, but once or twice lately I’d actually had the thought that it would be good if she swapped into another dorm so that someone else would join ours. Maybe then I’d find a best friend.
    â€œRight, who’s going to keep score?” said Emily.
    â€œNicole,” said Sasha and Izzy at the same time. Then they laughed.
    â€œShe’s the only one who’ll definitely add it up right,” said Sasha.
    â€œI don’t know about that,” I said, laughing. I glanced at Antonia. She was looking through the pack of cards slowly, frowning.
    â€œHere you go,” said Bryony, handing me a pencil and paper that someone else must have used as a score sheet.
    I turned it over to the blank side and started making a grid, with a column for people’s scores and a column for the running totals.
    â€œI don’t understand the rules,” Antonia suddenly said.
    â€œIt’s easy,” said Emily. “Like Bryony said, you just keep following on with a card of the same colour or the same number, or otherwise you can play a joker…as long as it’s the same colour… Oh you explain it, Nicole. I’m useless.”
    The others seemed to fall silent as though they sensed that I might not want to do that, or maybe they sensed that Antonia might not want to hear the rules from me. Whatever it was, one thing was certain – the others really had noticed there was a problem between me and Antonia. And when that fact hit me, a horrible confusion came over me.
    â€œIt’s…like Emily said,” I began hesitantly, avoiding looking at Antonia, as I picked up the pile of cards and demonstrated what I meant. I slowly explained to her how you had to follow on with the same colour or number, and then I went through the cards that didn’t have ordinary numbers on them and tried to be as simple and clear as I could. But she didn’t look at me once as I explained, just kept her eyes on the cards the whole time.
    â€œAll right, Antonia?” asked Emily when I’d finished. “Do you get it now?”
    â€œI theenk so,” came the answer, in an unsure voice.
    â€œHow many rounds are we playing?” I asked, going back to my grid.
    Izzy looked at her watch. “Er…how many have we got time for?”
    â€œShall we aim for six, so each of us gets a go at starting first?” I suggested.
    â€œYou’re so good at getting everything organized, Nicole,” said Bryony. “Where did you get that superbrain from? Is it your mum or your dad who’s really clever in your family?”
    I thought about Mum and Dad and felt confused again. It had never occurred to me that my brain might have come from anywhere in particular. I’ve just always been the kind of person who likes learning things.
    â€œI…I don’t know…”
    â€œYou’re so lucky, not having to worry about prep and tests and stuff,” said Sasha. “I remember how nervous I was when we had to sit the entrance exam to Silver Spires. I know it didn’t matter or anything because we’d all got places and it was just to

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